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We went together to pick up Our children from school. I decided that it would be a good idea to invite FP and Jughead for ice cream. I knew that Betty would be very happy about it.

We sat in the car and listened to the radio. It was a beautiful, sunny day today.

"Our children will be surprised to see us," I said and waved my hand to my daughters who were coming towards us. Jughead was following them. he looked sad.

"English teacher didn't want to read his story again" FP sighed and got out of the car. I did the same.

We greeted our children.

"Mr Jones and Jughead are going with the US for ice cream, are you happy?" I asked when I looked at my daughters. Polly nodded, and Betty hugged me more tightly.

"I'm a sorry mommy that I was so bad for you today," she said. Her moved voice squeezed my heart. I embraced her tightly and kissed her forehead.

"Nothing happened, Betty," I crouched beside her. "But next time come to me and talk to me when something doesn't suit you" I stroked her cheek and she nodded.

"I promise I will," Betty kissed me on the cheek.

"Are you ready for an adventure?" asked FP and I laughed.

"Yeah!" Betty and Polly shouted and ran toward the car. They got in and I shook my head in amusement. I looked at FP and winked at him.

"Come on, Jonesy, we're going on an adventure" I laughed and got in the car.


We went for ice cream sundaes to a small cafe near the park. Our children couldn't decide which ice cream to choose. They debated, talked and looked through the menu card for a good twenty minutes.

At the time, FP used them inadvertently and put his arms around me. He kissed me on the cheek, and I closed my eyes.

"Can you ask your husband to take your daughters to him for the night?" he whispered in my ear and I nodded.

"I think Hal won't have a problem with that," I replied and looked him in the eye.

"I'm happy" he kissed me again on the cheek and stepped back as our children finally decided.

We ordered our ice cream sundaes and went to the park to sit on the bench. Our children quickly finished their ice creams and went to play on the playground.

"I know that this isn't the right time for such a question, but what happened to Gladys?" I asked quietly. I felt FP's body tighten and immediately touched his hand. "If you don't want to, you don't have to tell me. I'm just..."

"No. You have the right to know." FP looked at me. "I never loved Gladys the way I loved you, we were married for so many years that we just got used to each other. One night we made Jughead, and then everything started to go wrong. After giving birth Gladys started leaving the house, she didn't go back home for the night Than just ... She died in a car accident, "he finished, and I squeezed his hand more firmly.

"I'm so sorry," I said quietly and kissed him on the cheek. "Now it will only get better," I assured him, and he smiled.

"Now, I have you and that's the most important thing," he added and kissed me on the lips. I returned his kiss without noticing Betty, who was watching us closely.


"Thank you for the day spent together," said FP, when he drove us to the parking lot at the school. I had to take my car and return home safely.

"We thank you too," I replied. The girls said goodbye to Jughead and got into the car. I waved the FP and also got into the car.

"We're going back home, are you happy that I invited Mr Jones and Jughead for ice cream?" I asked, and my daughters nodded.

"Yes," said Polly.

"Betty, something happened?" I asked quietly, and my daughter shook her head.

"No," she answered with a smile. "I'm just happy that you're happy," she added, and I felt tears in my eyes. My daughter was so lovely. She was very intelligent for her age.

"Dad takes you to his house tonight, are you happy?" I asked and looked in the mirror at my daughters.

"I'm happy," Polly replied.

"And I'm not," Betty murmured and looked at the window. "I would like to spend this evening with you, mommy," she added, and my heart beat harder.

Could I refuse my daughter? No.

I knew that I promised FP that I would spend the night with him, but my daughter was more important to me.

"Well, let's spend the evening together, watch a movie and eat unhealthy pizzas," I replied, and Betty laughed.



When the girls were writing homework in their rooms I called FP.

"Betty probably knew something," I said quietly and leaned against the kitchen counter.

"Why do you think so?"

"She wants to spend the evening with me today, just when I was supposed to meet you," I sighed quietly. "I'm sorry, but I can't refuse my daughter," I added with a painful heart.

"Hey, don't worry, when Betty falls asleep, I'll come to you" he whispered. "We will be quiet, but we will spend the whole night together," he added, and my cheeks flushed.

"FP Jones, you know how to turn me on" I laughed. I heard footsteps on the stairs. "I have to finish, my daughters are coming," I added and disconnected.

"Mom" Betty went into the kitchen and coughed. Oh no. Not flu.

"What's going on, pearl?" I asked and knelt before her. Betty was hot and sweaty. I checked her forehead with my hand, it was hot.

"I think I'm sick," she murmured and rubbed her eyes with her fists.

"Yeah, you are," I sighed and took her in my arms. "Come on, I'll take you to your room, and then I'll make you hot tea and I'll give you medicines, okay?" I kissed her on the forehead and she smiled broadly.

"Okay, mommy," she murmured and closed her eyes.

I put her on the bed and measured the temperature right away. It was quite high.

"Mom!" I heard Polly's cry from the other room. "My head hurts," she added, and I sighed.

"Betty, I'll be right back to you," I said and went to Polly. My other daughter was lying on the bed.

"Mom" Polly grabbed my hand. "I'm very cold," she added, and I nodded. I covered her with a duvet and kissed her forehead.

"I will bring you something for a headache and a fever in a moment," I whispered. I went to the bathroom, where I pulled the drugs out of the cupboard over the sink to get rid of the fever. In addition, I called Hal and told him that the girls wouldn't come to him today because they are both sick.

"Alice, I'll come to you and help you take care of them," he said, and I shook my head. I have dealt with them many times alone.

"Hal, it's unnecessary" I sighed quietly.

"No, Alice, you can't be alone"

Great. Hal will come to my home. FP will come to my bedroom in a few hours. My daughters are sick, what should be done in this situation ...

Call FP and cancel the meeting.

"Okay, Hal. Come and help me." I said and hung up.

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