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On the same day, right after eating at Pop, I went to Hermione. I had to tell her everything.

I knocked on the door; Hiram opened it. I have never liked him so much, but I couldn't fault him since my friend was happy with him.

"Hi, Alice," he said with a smile. "Hello, girls" he greeted my daughters.

"Hi, Hiram. Is Hermione there?" I asked, and he nodded.

"Yes. She's in the living room with Veronica. They watch a movie about Barbie, "he replied, and my little girls spilt with joy.

"Thanks, Hiram" I laughed and went inside.

Polly and Betty immediately ran to greet Veronica, and I hugged Hermione.

"Something happened," she said quietly, and I sighed heavily. I sat on the sofa and clenched my hands.

"I was at Pop. He told me about a new bar that will be under the restaurant," I said, and Hermione nodded.

"What's wrong with that?"

"FP Jones is the owner of this bar" I whispered, and Hermione opened her mouth wide.

"Shut up!" she said loudly, but she calmed down when the children looked at her.

"I don't know what to do," I whispered, fighting with tears in my eyes.

"Darling in the mailbox I found some invitations, separate for me, for you and... for Alice," said Hiram, entering the living room.

I looked at him surprised.

"To me? I don't live with you," I said when I received the envelope.

Alice Cooper (Smith)
111 Elm Street, Riverdale

"An invitation from FP," Hermione said as she opened the envelope.

"Each of us received an invitation," answered Hiram.

With trembling hands, I opened my envelope and read the contents of the letter. My heart began to beat faster, seeing the familiar handwriting. It may be funny, but I felt his perfume. Perfumes which I missed so much.

"This evening," I murmured. "I will not go there," I said louder. "I can't go there"

"You can and you will" Hermione looked at me. "You can't hide from him, Alice. You and FP live in the same town, sooner or later you will meet each other"

"I know, Hermione. I just don't know how to behave there today," I sighed helplessly.

"Normally, as always"

"In front of FP?!"

"Yes, show him what he lost," she said with a wide smile. "Let him regret his decision."


"What are you doing here?" I asked when Theresa appeared in my home with an envelope in my hand.

"I brought you something," she threw the envelope at my feet. "Pick up and see what's in it," she added and she looked at me with superiority. I looked into her eyes and shook my head.

"I will not be humiliating, and I know you want this," I replied calmly and tears appeared in my eyes. "You want only to see me helpless. You are a witch," I growled. Theresa lost her patience and slapped me on the cheek.

"Shut up!" she said loudly and I approached her. I trod on the envelope she gave me and looked into her eyes.

"Don't you feel ashamed when you beat a pregnant woman? Don't you have a conscience?" I asked and narrowed my eyes. "Get out of this house, get out and never show yourself to me again. Take your beloved son, stupid daughter-in-law and leave this city, "I added and pointed to the door.

"You'll regret it," she said and gritted her teeth.

"I already regret it. I regret that I haven't told FP, how nasty his mother is. He will find out about it once," I said and wiped tears from my eyes. "Get out because you don't know what I'm capable of," I said through my teeth.

"I will never set foot in this house," Theresa said loudly and left, slamming the door behind her.

"Witch" I murmured and noticed an envelope in front of me. I grabbed it and ran to Theresa. "I do not need your dirty money," I growled and handed her an envelope.

"Money will help you. You can afford some clothes or an abortion. I don't want this bastard in my family"

Hearing these words, I felt anger. I took a deep breath and ruffled the envelope in front of her eyes. She was shocked.

"And I do not want my child to ever have such a grandmother. Getaway," I growled loudly and ran home. I started crying...

I was hoping Theresa wouldn't appear at today's meeting. I didn't want to see her. I had a great regret for her. I felt sorry for the whole Jones family.

I dressed in a red, long dress with a deep cleavage and a slit on the right thigh. I stood in front of the mirror and made a make-up.

I asked Hal to take care of our daughters today. He agreed without a problem. I was glad that despite the breakup of our marriage, we could count on each other.

When I was ready, I left the house and waved to Hermione, who was waiting for me. She stood leaning against her car, but it surprised me that she was without Hiram.

"Where is Hiram?" I asked, and she sighed heavily.

"Problems in the company" she just muttered and greeted me. "Get in, we'll be late," she added, and I nodded.

I was just wondering what problems Hiram could have in his company. Something here was wrong. I had to know from Hermione what had happened.


When we parked in the parking lot, we left the car.

"I'm sick," I said and bit my lip. "I will not go there," I shook my head. Hermione came up to me and grabbed me by the shoulders.

"I'll be fine, I'm with you," she whispered and smiled at me.

I nodded and took a deep breath. Hermione grabbed my hand and we entered the club. A golden staircase appeared in front of us, leading us straight inside.

I straightened up and went down the stairs, holding my hand on the golden railing. I looked up, looking for the host of the party. He wasn't anywhere.

"Alice!" Sierra approached me.

"Sierra! Tom!" I smiled at them. They looked wonderful together.

"Hello, everyone," Hermione said when she joined us.

"Where is Hiram?" Tom asked.

"He had to go to work," she answered quickly. I looked at her when she changed the subject right away. "Where's Fred and Mary?"

"At the bar counter," Tom pointed to his marriage.

"I'm going to say hi" she smiled and went to the bar.

"Is everything okay with her?" I asked Sierra, and I shrugged.

"I don't know, but I'll ask her later," I smiled.

Suddenly, I gasped when I saw FP on the stairs. He walked confidently, dressed in an expensive suit. He was alone, I thought he would appear with Gladys.

My mouth went dry when he came in our direction. Our gaze met each other and I involuntarily smiled slightly.

My heart beat faster, I felt I was close to losing air. The smell of his perfume burst into my nostrils. I was dizzy.

FP greeted Fred, Mary, Hermione, Sierra and Tom. In the end, he came to me.

"Alice," he said in his deep, low, sexy voice, and I felt shivers on my back.


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