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"Gladys is alive?" Hermione was surprised.

The next day, I asked her to come to my job. I had to tell her everything.

"Yes," I answered and began to wipe the glasses. Fortunately today there wasn't many people in the restaurant, so I could clean everything up.

"I don't know why FP hid it from me," I sighed.

"And he explained to you why?"

"No, because I run away." I shrugged.

"You are stupid! Did he run after you?" Hermione looked at her plate of cold fries and sighed heavily.

"I'll bring you new fries," I murmured and took her plate. I went to the kitchen and after a while, I came back with fresh fries.

"I was furious, I didn't think about asking him for explanations," I murmured. "It doesn't make sense now to go to Toledo, Hermione. " I shook my head, and Hermione grabbed my hand.

"I didn't want to go there anyway"


Being a waitress was really hard work. My patience with people was exhausted after the first three hours of work. When I finally could go on a break, I made some coffee and went outside through the back room.

I sat on the stairs leading to the back room and began to drink coffee in peace. In the meantime, I pulled out my cigarettes from my skirt pocket. I smoked occasionally, at parties or for company.

I didn't manage to light a cigarette because I heard a squeal of tires on the parking gravel. I leaned out from the corner of the restaurant and I saw FP. My heartbeat was faster when I saw his determined face.

I went into the back room and went to Pop. I wanted to tell him not to tell FP that I had a break, but apparently, I was late. Pop came to me.

"Alice, you're free for today," he said, and I opened my eyes wide.

"Are you firing me?" I asked with fear in my voice.

"No" he shook his head. "FP asked me to let you out earlier," he added, and I nodded.

"Pop, we have a lot of people in the restaurant, it's not a good idea for me to leave now," I said. I did not want to be alone with FP.

"Alice, you have a full break. You can use it to talk to FP." Pop smiled. "Go, Alice"

I nodded and went to FP. I looked at him.

"I have a break now, so we can talk," I said and grabbed him by the sleeve of his jacket. "I can't leave Pop because we have a lot of people here, so I won't leave work earlier" I added and we sat at one of the free tables.

"I understand" FP nodded. "We need to talk"

"Yes, we need" I nodded.

"I lied to you unnecessarily with Gladys' death, and together with my mother, we thought that when we told people that she had died, we would avoid scandal."

"I thought Theresa don't care what people say ... What a disappointment," my voice sounded sarcastic.

"It's not like that" FP sighed. "Gladys got in trouble, and she will spend the next couple of years in prison," he added and clenched his hands into fists. I looked at him surprised.

"Did she kill someone?" I asked, and FP shook his head.

"No. She sold and made drugs, she even had her laboratory"

"Wow, she's a real piece of work," I murmured. "Why didn't you tell me this before?"

"Because I was afraid that you would think that I treat you as a backup." FP grabbed my hand. "When I divorced Gladys, I understood that I wanted to get you back. I'm sorry for these lies and I promise that it will never happen again"

"You know, it's hard to get someone's trust" I sighed quietly, and FP nodded.

"I know," he replied.

"Help me! Something is wrong with him! " the young girl shouted.

I looked surprised at her and noticed a young boy squirming on the floor.

"Epilepsy "I murmured and ran to him." Call an ambulance, FP"I said.

I put a boy on his side and grabbed his shoulders. I looked at the watch on FP's wrist to know what time the epilepsy attack occurred.

After a few minutes of stress, the boy began to calm down. I took a deep breath and looked at FP. I was so stressed out by this situation.

"What was wrong with him?" one of the people asked.

"I don't know, he brought a packet with blue candy inside. He ate one and fell to the ground, "one of his friends said.

"Has anyone else taken these candies? Has anyone else eaten it?" asked FP, and I looked around. People shook their heads.

FP looked at me scared. I frowned.

"What happened?" I whispered.

"That's Gladys," he whispered. "Gladys had to get out of prison," he added, terrified, and I bit my lip.

Not now.

The ambulance took the boy to the hospital. FP talked to paramedics for a moment, and I stood behind the counter and drank coffee. Pop put a blanket on my shoulders.

"I think you should go home after all this," he said, and I shook my head.

"No, Pop. I won't leave you alone," I smiled at him. Gladys is back? All this complicates ... But on the other hand, FP and she are divorced, so she won't be able to hurt us.

FP came to me and hugged me.

"You were brave" he whispered in my ear. "I'll take you home after work. I'll keep an eye on you," he added, and I nodded.

"Don't worry about me, FP. I'm safe." I murmured and looked into his eyes.

"No. If Gladys is at large, no one is safe." FP shook his head.

"Is it certain that she left the prison?" I asked, surprised.

"No, but my lawyers are trying to find out about this," he whispered.

"Well, we have no reason to worry. I'm sure that she didn't sell this drug to this boy," I said with a smile but in my heart, I felt uncertain.

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