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The next day, I woke up in my bed. I stood up and looked at the clock. It was 7 am, so I had to get dressed quickly and go to Thornhill to take the girls to school. I knew that Hal couldn't do it today because he had an important interview in the newsroom.

Dressed and ready to go out, I got into the car and drove straight to Thornhill. I didn't like this place, it was terrifying to me. I knocked on the door.

"Alice!" Penelope wrapped herself in a burgundy robe.

"Are you walking naked in the house? My children will have nightmares," I said, and she rolled her eyes.

"I took a bath," she replied indignantly. "Betty, Polly! It's your mom!"

"Finally!" I heard Polly's voice and I smiled.

"Mom!" Betty ran to me and hugged me.

"Hi, princesses. Were you good?" I asked, and they nodded.

"They were good," said Penelope.

"I'm glad, now come on. We'll be late for school"

"Bye, aunt," Betty waved Penelope, and I felt nauseated.

My daughter called her aunt?

"I don't like her," Polly murmured as she got into the car.

"Auntie is cool," Betty answered. "And she gives us candy!"

"She looks like an old Barbie doll," Polly murmured, and I refrained from laughing.

"Our mum also looks like a Barbie doll!"

"Our mum is a prettier Barbie doll!" Polly shouted. "At least mom didn't cheat on dad!"

Hearing these words, I felt sad. I looked in the rearview mirror at Betty who turned her head to the window and wiped away her tears.

"Maybe we'll go out for ice cream after school?" I asked to break the silence.

"Can I have two scoops of ice cream?" Polly pleaded.

"We will go for ice cream desserts then!" I smiled. "Betty, what do you think about this idea?"

"We can go," murmured my younger daughter.

"And later ... We'll go to the cinema"

"What movie?" Polly asked.

"You'll choose" I replied. I was glad to see Polly's joy, but Betty's tears made me sad.

"You always suggest ice cream or cinema when you and dad break down," Betty said, and I sighed quietly.

"That's not true, Betty," I replied. "You know that"

"Dad and Auntie Penelope often takes us after school for ice cream
After school, you take us home and you don't go anywhere with us."

I didn't think my daughter thought about me that way. I parked in the parking lot in front of the school and smiled artificially at my daughters.

"We see each other after school," I replied, my voice trembling. I wanted to cry because Betty thought of me as a bad mother.

"Bye mom," said Polly. Betty left the car without a word.

When I was sure that my children can't see me, I cried. My daughter prefers the company of my husband's mistress more than my company. It was difficult for me to raise two daughters alone. Hal was simpler because he lived with Penelope.

My daughters were too young to understand how hard it is. My daughters didn't know what weight I carry every day. They didn't know about all my problems.

I wiped tears from my eyes and started the car with trembling hands. I turned on the reverse gear and pulled back the car. Unfortunately, I was too distracted and felt a loud bang. I jumped on the seat, banging my head against the back of the chair. I was in shock.

Slowly I got out of the car and looked helplessly at the car I got into. It was expensive, one of the newer ones. God, I didn't have enough money to pay for this car! I will have to take a loan.

A man got out of the car and came to me. He was scared the same as me. Oh, it was FP.

"I'm sorry," I said and rubbed my lip with my hand. I noticed the blood on my hand and I felt weak at once. I hated blood.

"Nothing happened?" he asked and grabbed my shoulders. I looked into his eyes and shook my head.

"No. And you?" I asked, feeling a metallic taste in my mouth.

"No. God, you're bleeding," he said and pulled a handkerchief from his jeans pocket. He put it to my lip.

"I'm sorry, I ... I'll pay for everything, I just didn't notice your car," I began to explain, and he pleased me.

"You will not pay for anything, it's a small damage," he answered and I nodded. "Fortunately, nothing serious happened."

"I have to go home," I said and stepped away from him. I went to my car.

"No, Alice, you will not go home in this state. I will take you, but I will park your car first"

FP helped me get into his BMW and then parked my car to avoid ramming traffic.

"Keys" he gave me the keys to my car when he sat next to me.

"Thank you," I said and put them in my coat pocket.

"seat belt" he muttered and leaned over me to fasten me. He looked into my eyes and smiled. "Now you're safe"

"I feel so," I answered without thinking. Stress was slowly leaving my body.

"I will take you to my home for a coffee," he said, and I protested.

"No. No, FP, just take me to my home," I said. I did not want to meet Theresa again.

"Not this time, Al. I'll have to keep my eye on you"  He looked at me convincingly, and I sighed.

"Okay, let's go to your house," I gave up and leaned my head against the glass.

Possession EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now