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"Will Polly be fine?" Betty asked when we got to the hospital. 

"Yes," I smiled. "Betty, sit on a chair, please. I'll come to you after a minute," I added and kissed my daughter on the cheek. 

I went to the reception.

"Good morning, how can I help you?" the nurse was very nice to me. 

"Good morning. My daughter Polly Cooper is here. Can you tell me where?" I asked with a smile.

 "Yes, of course," the nurse searched something on the computer. "Yes, Polly is in the segregation room. Straight and then left" she told me directly. 

"Thank you," I said and went to Betty. 

She fell asleep on the chair, so I took her in my arms and went to the segregation room with her. I noticed one of the doctors coming out of the room and ran to him. 

"I'm sorry, I'm looking for my daughter Polly Cooper," I said. 

"Oh, Mrs Cooper, we're just taking care of your daughter. We've done her blood tests and now we're waiting for the results. Did Polly have seizures before? " he asked, and I shook my head.

 "No, it happened to her for the first time" I answered.

"Mrs Cooper, I suspect that your daughter had to take some intoxicants, "he said quietly, and I nodded.

"Someone is dealing drugs at school. Today, when I was at work, one of the clients also got a seizure and died a few hours ago." I said. "I would never give my daughter drugs. "I shook my head and I felt tears in my eyes

"Mrs Cooper, don't be nervous. I've heard about drug trafficking too. I also have a son in high school. I check his jacket every time to make sure that he doesn't have drugs"

"So you understand me, "I smiled slightly.

"Yes, I understand. We will help Polly, "he replied.

"Thank you," I said and smiled. 

I pulled a phone out of my coat pockets and dialled Hal number. I had to inform him.

"Alice, something happened? It's late," he said in a sleepy voice. I rolled my eyes.

"Hal, I'm in the hospital," I whispered. I heard the rasp of the bed. Hal had to get up.

"Everything's okay?"

"Polly had a seizure. Come here," I said quietly, feeling the tears in my eyes.

"What? When?"

"I tell you everything later, now please come to a hospital"

 "I'm on my way. Give me ten minutes," he said.

"Thanks" I whispered and hung up.


When I saw Hal in the corridor, I got up and ran to him.

"Hal," I said, and he put his arm around me.

"What about Polly?"

"Hal, they suspect she has taken drugs," I said and looked at him.

"How did she take drugs?!" he asked, and I took a deep breath.

"Somebody selling drugs at school," I murmured and grabbed Hal's hand. I went with him to a coffee machine and pulled out a blue candy from my coat pocket.

"What is this?" Hal picked up the candy.

"This is the drug. Children at school get drugs in the form of these blue candies."

"Where did you get this?"

"I found it in her pocket!"

"Polly took it from someone?"

"I don't know, Hal. But if it turns out that there will be drugs in her blood, we will have a problem. She is a minor... "I sighed heavily.

"Alice put it in your pocket and don't show it to anyone," Hal put the candy on my hand. I nodded and put it in my coat pocket.

"What's next, Hal? Today at Pop, some young boy got a seizure because he took a few of these candies and then he died. I don't want the same to happen to one of our daughters," I said. I was desperate.

"Alice, slow down" Hal put his hands on my shoulders. "No one will find out that Polly has taken these drugs. They won't find drugs in her blood"

"How do you do that? You want to bribe them?" I asked, and he shrugged.

"We always dealt like that with problems that couldn't be avoided," he replied, and I nodded. "We will do it this way"

"Okay, Hal. Yes, we have to do this" I nodded and grabbed his hands. "Thank you," I added, and he smiled.

"The good of our daughters is the most important" Hal kissed me on the cheek and went to the segregation room.


After a night in the hospital, Polly was finally able to go home.

"Do you want to rest somehow? Should I take the girls to Thornhill?" he asked, and I shook my head.

"No, Hal. But if you want, you can come for hot chocolate and donuts," I smiled slightly.

"I'll come as soon as I take a shower," we put sleeping Betty into the car, and Polly sat next to her. She was very silent.

"We will wait," I said with a smile and got into the car.

"Mom, I didn't know that these candies are bad," Polly murmured, playing with her skirt."Don't be angry,"

"Honey, I'm not angry at you, tell me where you got it from?" I looked at her in the mirror.

"One boy from our class had the whole package and gave each of us two candies." Polly looked at me sadly. "Will I have trouble?"

"No, you won't have any trouble" I smiled slightly. "We're coming home!"

When my daughters went to sleep, I looked at my phone. I had eight missed calls from FP. I completely forgot about him. I called him immediately.

"FP, I'm sorry," I said when he picked up. "Polly had a seizure. We were in the hospital and I forgot to call" I ran out of breath in my lungs, so I took a deep breath.

"Everything alright?" he asked, and I swallowed.

"Yes... But Polly had these blue candies," I whispered. "Check if Jughead doesn't have them either," I asked.

"We have to report this to Keller"

"It won't help us. There isn't enough evidence, FP" I sighed and sat down in my chair. "If we want to go with this to Tom we have to get more evidence"

"You want to play detective?"

"If it's necessary," I sighed heavily.

"Maybe I will come to you with Jughead?" he asked, and I bit my lip.

Hal and FP in one room? Thank you, next.

"Come up in the evening. My girls fall asleep" I said when I heard the doorbell. "I have to finish now. See you later" I added and disconnected.

"I have donuts!" Hal walked into the living room and I smiled slightly.

"The girls are sleeping upstairs," I said. "Come, I'll make us chocolate," I added, and he nodded. "Hal" I looked at him.


"No pick-up line, okay?" I shook his finger and he laughed.

"Okay," he shrugged and sat in the kitchen at the table.

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