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I drove to Greendale and immediately went to my parents' house. Their house was not difficult to notice. A storey house on the hill.

I sighed quietly as I pulled up to the gate. I still had the keys to it, so I opened it without any problem. I rode the stone road to the driveway of our house. I parked in one of the parking lots and got out of the car.

I pulled out my suitcase and went to the front door. 

I knocked on the door twice, waiting impatiently for one of my parents.

"I'm coming!" I heard my mother's voice and smiled.

"Surprise!" I said when she opened the door.

My mother shouted for joy and hugged me.

"What are these screams, Claire?" my father came to us.

"Your daughter is back, Eric" my mother murmured and wiped tears from her eyes.

I looked at my father with a smile. I didn't feel the same love for him that I felt for my mother. He was the one who threw me out of the house when he found out about my pregnancy. I had no intention of hugging him.

"Hi, Eric" I answered with a slight smile. I didn't call him 'Dad' since he kicked me out of the house.

"Hi, Alice," he said with a smile and came up to me. "Did you have a good ride?" He asked, and I nodded.

"Yes. But I'm tired. "I replied and looked at my mother.

"Do you want to go to sleep, honey?" She asked, and I shook my head.

"I will sleep at night. Now I would like to spend time with you and with ... Dad" I glanced briefly at my father."

"Great! I'll take out our favourite wine! "She shouted, and I shook my head.

"Mom, I can't drink wine, "I replied quietly.

"One glass won't hurt you, " my father replied.

"I'm afraid that it could hurt me, "I murmured. "I'm pregnant" I added, my mother, shouted in surprise. She always reacted too emotionally.

"With Hal?" she asked, and I shook my head.

"Oh, God. No. Hal and I got divorced." I replied.

"What?! "my mother shouted.

"Finally, you did it!"My father added.

"Whose child is this? " My mother came up to me.

"Mine," I said sternly.

"Who is the father? You won't tell me that it is an immaculate conception." 

"FP is the father, "I shrugged and my mother squealed." I rolled my eyes. "You're really exaggerating, mom," I said. 

"FP Jones? Forsythe and Theresa's son?!" 

"I don't know another FP so yes. " I shrugged.

"I have to drink" my mother went into the kitchen and my father sighed quietly.

"This time you can't kick me out of the house because I don't live here anymore," I said to him. "I will go to my room," I added before he could say anything.


In the evening I sat on the porch and covered myself with a blanket. After a while, my mother joined me with a mug of tea.

"Tea with nettle and ginger, good for morning sickness" she smiled and gave me one mug.

I grabbed a mug and drank some tea. I closed my eyes because she was so delicious. My mum always made the best tea.

Possession EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now