Fucking Cheater

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"Is she going to be okay?" I heard Adrian say. I only knew it was his voice cause nobody else sounds like him. I can't seem to open my eyes but I can at least hear.

"Yes, she has mutiple broken  bones. But she will be fine. I'm going to preform a few more tests on her and I will keep you updated." said an unfamilair voice. Probably my doctor.

"Thank you." Adrian siad.

"And once she wakes up. Which won't be any time soon. The police want to talk to her. They don't believe this was an accident. But since we don't see any defensive wounds so she could have just been drunk or something. But again that is what the tests are for." The doctor said.

"She wouldn't have been drunk. I know she would also not have walked out into the middle of the street." Adrian siad.

"I must go now. I have to go check on other patients. But you are welcome to stay with her." the doctor said.

I felt somebody take my hand and I could tell it was Adrian.

"Don't worry Melissa. I'm here. So is Jennifer and your parents will be here soon. I promsie I won't leave you. I just need you to wake up soon. I need to know what happened to you." Adrian said.


It has been 5 days since I got hit by the bus. Mutiple people were coming in and out of the room. Mostly doctors and nurses. Adrian usually stayed the whole days. But yesterday he didn't come due to college starting. He did come later on, but not the whole day. He told me all about it. How the classes are fucking boring, and how 3 girls asked him out and he told them he already has somebody.

Jennifer came in. But only twice. And not for long. I could usually here her talking to Adrian. Mostly about if I was going to live or not. And I could hear them talking about other stuff too. But nothing insanely important.

I don't remember hearing my parents talk too much. I only heard them talking to the doctors or my mom crying for hours on end. Which I wish she wouldn't do. It's very annoying.

"She should be waking up today. So if you want to call in her family, I would." The doctor said.

"Okay thanks." Adrian said.

I'm gonna wake up today? How do they know? Maybe I don't want to wake up. It's so peaceful being in a coma. Not having any drama.

The last thing I remember before the accident was Jennifer telling me she might be pregnant with Adrian's child.

Another reason why I don't want to wake up.

I waited for what seemed like hours till I heard my family arrive.

"When will it be?" My mother asked.

"Could be minutes or could be hours. They don't know. It's kinda up to her." Adrian said.

"I just want her to wake up so bad." Beth said.

Beth's here? She hasn't been here the whole time. I need to see her. I missed her. Probably the most.

"Did you see that?" asked Adrian. He must have saw me trying to wake up. I tried once again and I barley cracked my eye open.

I could see a small bit of light. I opened them a bit more and I saw more ligth and I finally saw somebody. They were up close to me.

"Melissa?" asked the voice. The person was Adrian.

"Adrian." I barley mangaed to say. I finally opeend my eyes all the way. But I could barley see. Everything was blurry. Soon all of the pain kicked in. The whole 5 days, I didn't feel any pain. But it soon washed all over my body.

I screame out in pain.

"What is wrong with her?" my mother asked the doctor.

"She's just getting use to the pain. I will up her morphine." the doctor said coming near me and injected me with some.

"Melissa. What happend?" Adrian asked me. The pain started to subside but it was still there.

"I.Got. Hit. By.A.Bus." I said pausing between each word due to the pain.

"Yeah. But do you remember anything else? Do you know how you got hit? Or remember anything before?" Adrian asked me.

"Yes, I was out with Jennifer. We had went to a coffee shop to discuss yours and here movie date. Then she told me something very interesting. I was so taken back by it that I decided to leave and come and talk to you personally about the incident. But while i was walking down the sidewalk to reach my car and I felt somebody shove me into the street." I said.

"Do you know who?" Adrian asked me.

"If I did I would tell you." I said annoyed.

"Um, can me and her talk alone?" Adrian asked me parents and they nodded and left.

"What is the issue? I have done nothing to you Melissa." Adrian said.

"Fuck you Adrian. These last few weeks with you have been amazing. And I thought that this fwb would be going on for a while. But I guess you need more than 1 fwb. Am I not enough for you?" I asked him.

"Of course you are. You are even more than enough. What are you talking about?" He asked me.

"That you had sex with Jennifer and didn't use protection!!" I yelled.

"That bitch" Adrian said before getting up and leaving the room.

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