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Alexandrias POV

"Ma'am I need you to calm down, her mother said this would be for the best especially since it has been almost a week and she has shown no improvement. I'm sorry but the person with legal control of her is the only person who can make this decision." the doctor said. I felt arms wrap around me, trying to comfort me when everything went a bright white.

Authors Note: So this format will be confusing but it is possibly the easiest way to format this, Everything in bold is Alexandrias POV and everything in normal text is Chases from this point to the end of this part.

I suddenly saw my 1st grade classroom, but it wasn't like my mind went back to be there, I was like a subconscious, like I was out of my body because I saw a little me. I was in a corner surrounded by two of the other boys in my class. I remember this day, it was the day they let our parents come in. my mom had been there about 20 minutes earlier, but every family had a time to come in, both parents. My dad of course wasn't there so they were laughing at me saying my dad didn't love me so he left so he didn't have to see me. I was so in shock I just stood there and cried, unable to say anything. I hated that day.

"Someone help her!" I yelled at the doctors. Alex had fainted in my arms, I can't lose her.

"She's pregnant! She needs help! I can't lose her!" I didn't realize it but I was crying. A nurse had rushed in and helped me sit Alexandria down. We had to wait almost 10 minutes to get a doctor to come see her. She had fainted due to malnutrition so they had to admit her to the hospital.

I will never forget that day. Jadyn and Leila was sick and Alysa wasn't in my class. But that was how I met Chase, he had stood up for me, he had never talked to me before that day but he had yelled as the two boys. I am pretty sure it was Darrien and Jamey. His bestfriends, yet he stood up for me. I don't know what had made him do that but it was the nicest thing he had ever done.

"Hey leave her alone!" He said.

"Why? Because you like her? So? You're the only person that ever will" Darrien said.

"Yea, not even her dad loved her, he died so he didn't have to see her." Jamey added.

"That just means he didn't deserve her! Stop being mean to her, she didn't ask for this," Chase added. I didn't even know what he had said when that happened but he was actually really sweet. I could tell I was crying and everything started to fade as soon as the two boys started to pick on Chase.

"It was the same with your mom. she never loved you..." and that's when it all just went black.

I was sitting beside Alex, holding her hand, waiting for her to wake up. She was breathing and stable but she wasn't conscious. The baby was ok. They asked if I wanted to hear the heartbeat but I couldn't do that without her. I was just sitting there when I saw a tear go down her cheek. I gently wiped it away when she opened her eyes. I suddenly turned to a huge baby and started crying into her arm.

"Never do that to me again! I cant lose you" I said still crying. This girl drives me crazy. At this point the nurse was in here checking on her and asking if she had been taking her vitamins.

"No, I just found out about a week ago and hadn't bought any yet" Alex replied starting to cry. "Is the baby okay?" She seemed really worried.

"Yes but now that you're awake we can get a more thorough ultrasound." She said grabbing a small handheld ultrasound machine. "We could possibly also hear a little heartbeat since you seem about 7 weeks along." She took the machine to her lower abdomen and turned on the machine. We heard this faint little thump. That's when reality sunk in. I'm going to be a dad. I'm starting a family with the girl that used to annoy the hell out of me.

"I'm gonna be a dad" I managed to say.

"We are going to be a family" Alex says looking at me grabbing my hand.

"The baby is healthy but from this point on you need to take your vitamin and take care of yourself." The nurse said leaving the room.

"I can't believe this." I saw kissing her hand. "We went from annoying eachother to starting a family."

"Its crazy. But we will do it" she said smiling at me. At that point I couldn't help myself and I just crashed my lips onto hers. I love this girl.

"I'll be back." I say kissing her one last time. I shot alysa a text.

Me: shit happened, I'll meet you at your house, get madi ready and yourself

And then I drove to the local cafe to get donuts. then I stood to grab Alysa and Madi. When I got back Alex l,it up when she saw the food.

"God I love you!" She said.

"Oh you do?" I reply wiping icing off the side of her mouth and licking it off my finger.

"Okay. Ew." Alysa said walking in holding madi. Alex lit up.

"Aw baby girl come here!" She said reaching for her. Alysa handed her madi hugging Alex. "You're gonna be a big sister! I know you cant really respond but mommy has a baby in her belly." She said kissing madi.

"Dada?" Madi said reaching to me. I just melted.

"Hi baby girl." I said pinching her cheeks and crying. She is so cute. I cant wait to watch her grow up. "Do you mind if I marry mommy?" I say to her quietly. "Didnt think so" I pull a box out of my pocket. "Mommy will you marry me?"


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