Chapter Twenty Two

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Two Weeks Later 

"What the hell do you think your doing Emma?" Stefan yells at me. Kol and I may have ordered twenty cases of champagne for the school. So Obviously Stefan's mad. 

For the past two weeks Kol and I have been up to our old tricks of making life a party around the town and school. My father is pissed at me of course. But that's the point of having Kol here. He brings out the party in me. Stefan is starting to lose control of his anger. He's yelling at everyone in sight. 

When Kol came I moved to Nik's place on the outskirts of town. I was tried of being yelled at every time I walked into the Salvatore House. I also told Elena my plan. She somewhat agreed with it, not really happy about what it will do. But she agreed and even said she would help when she can. But I have to tell her my next move though, it was part of the agreement. 

She and I have gotten a better relationship ever since mom died, and we are nice to each other but it's hard. I don't fully trust her. And the minuet that she talks shes getting cut off by me. 

The current problem with Kol and I being here for so long is that our pranks are getting predictable, so it's time to call Rebekah into town. 

As Kol and I walking back to Nik's we are talking about Bekah coming, "Do you think she will come?" I ask Kol. 

"For you she'll do anything. except give up the cure if she ever finds it. Plus if coming here means she gets to piss off your father, she'll be here tonight. " Kol tells me. 

"Haha, its a good thing I don't want the cure. I'm happy she's coming. I'll call her when we get back." And Kol and I walk in comfortable silence the rest of the way back. 

When we get back I call her, "Hey Emma, what's up? Are you okay?" I never call her so her being worried when I call her was expected. 

"Bekah, I'm okay I didn't mean to scare you. I actually need a favor from you. But don't worry you'll like what I'm asking." 

"I would do anything for you and if it's something I like, a perk of life." I love Rebekah, shes always there for me when I need her most. She even came to New York a couple of weeks ago. 

"How about a piss off match with Stefan Salvatore. One of the very few ex's that's alive, well kind of." I ask her knowing she is grinning with excitement.

"You want me to help you piss off your father?" She asks unknowing if I'm for real. 


"Has he been a bad father again?" She asks sarcastically.

"When has he not been a bad father? And he killed my mom, so lets go with yes."

"Yes, it does seem like he needs to be punished and in need of a reality check. If he thinks he can hurt you and get away with it he's a bloody bastard."

"So will you come?" I ask knowing she is already packing.

"What the bloody hell do you think?"

"Is that a no I hear?" I say teasing her. 

"I'll be there in the morning." She says and hangs up. 

"So is she coming?" Kol asks me. 

"She'll be here in the morning and don't act like you didn't hear that." I tell him and smiles back almost laughing. 

And then there is a knock at the door. Kol goes to get it. Apparently it's an angry Elena. "You took it too far this time Emma. Buying twenty cases of champagne, really Emma." She yells at me. 

"So now your mad? When I told you about this you were on board with it. " I yell back defensively. 

"I don't give a damn about the champagne, I thought is was good. But your father sure as hell did not think so. He's beyond pissed. It took me all afternoon to calm him down. If you do something like this again I'm afraid of what he will do. He could hurt you again." She yells at me. 

"Okay well your not going to like what I have to tell you."I tell her cautiously

"What did you do?" Elena yells at me more.

"Rebekah will be here in the morning." I tell her slowly and cautiously. 

"What the hell Emma. You know it's not even the things you do that makes him mad." She tells me exasperated.  

"Then what is it?" Now it's my turn to yell. 

"It's the fact that your here." She explains to me and it makes so much sense now. 

"Your telling me that he hates that I'm in the only place that my family is. He hates me that much that he would rather see me gone or dead before even trying to talk to me or getting used to me." I continue to yell. "You know what let him hate me, what the hell do I care. I've hated him my whole life. Let him feel I have my entire life." I yell at her. Not really at her more at my father who is not here. 

"He could hurt you. I don't want to see you get hurt because of him" She shows concern for me, I wonder how long this will last. Maybe she thinks she has to protect me, for mom. 

"Then don't let him. You have him wrapped around your pretty little finger. I need to stay, I need to make him feel the way I have my entire life." I tell her. I do need to stay, I need to see my father suffer. 

"Fine, but if I can't do anything you are leaving." Elena tells me with a fairly fair deal. 

"Okay." I agree to the deal, it's the only way I get to stay. 

"Alright I'll see you at school tomorrow then." And then she leaves with both of us feeling better than when she walked in.  

Hello friends, you can thank Gossip Girl and Georgina Sparks for the champagne idea. I just thought it would be something that Kol and Emma would do. Life of the party right. 

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