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I was humming a tune and doing a little foot dance while walking through all the hallways trying to find my room when I heard a voice, "That's a nice little dance." I turned scarlet red and turned around to be faced by Prince Todoroki himself. My entire body froze. Hes really cute..I MEAN UHHH WHAT DO I DO WHAT DO I SAY I MIGHT SAY SOMETHING STUPID LIKE, G'day Sir. I calmed myself down and curtsied, "Thank you Prince Shoto." "No need to be so formal, we're going to get a lot friendlier during your stay here." I could've sworn he smirked... I instantly dropped all formal talk. "So whatca doin here?" "Well, this is my castle." ...DANGIT I SAID SOMETHING STUPID "Right...." "What about you Ms.(Y/N)? What's your business here?" "Nothin much just givin my sister some company." 

There was some awkward silence until I asked, "Soooo, do you know where my room is?" "Hm? But there aren't any rooms available, we are hosting a party and many guests are staying over." ARE YOU KIDDING ME? THIS CASTLE THE SIZE OF A FOREST DOESNT EVEN HAVE A SINGLE SMALL ROOM I CAN STAY IN?? I groaned, "I guess I'll be sleeping on my sisters room floor tonight." "No need, you can sleep in my room." My face dropped and I turned so red. "I-uh-you-I-um-" He replied," Don't sorry I won't do anything tonight. Follow me." I think I saw him smile....

We arrived at his room, WHICH WAS THE SIZE OF MY HOUSE. I saw my luggage already unpacked and in a closet. I was looking around the room to see one bed. One bed in this huge room??? "So, are we both sleeping on the bed or...." "Not to worry (Y/N), if your that uncomfortable I will sleep on the couch." Yes, he has a couch. In. His. Room. "No, I really can't have a prince sleeping on a couch. I-" 

Just at that moment my sister busted the door down. "Prince Shoto have you seen my sis-Y/N THERE YOU WERE I LOOKED EVERYWHERE FOR YOU. I THOUGHT U GOT KIDNAPPED." She ran and hugged me tightly. I laughed really hard and said, "Come on now, I wouldn't get kidnapped on the FIRST day." 

Todoroki POV

I have her in my room...she's finally here...and her smile...I wish I could be the only one who saw it...(besides her sister).

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