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My stomach area is still damaged but I'm starting to walk again. Sho has been helping me a lot through this. And honestly...SO HAS ERWIN AHAHAH. I swear, he follows me eVeRywHeRe now and he's being the best boi :3. I'm usually in bed most the time, and when people come to visit I have to hide Erwin or they will judge me. THEY JUST JELLY THEY DONT HAVE A CUTE PUPPER LIKE MOI. Sho has been smiling a lot, and they're bright. Like holy smokes the sun bright. But I never see him smile around other people...WELP I DONT MIND KEEPING HIS SMILE TO MYSELF MWAHAHAHAHA

I was playing with Erwin and I was sitting up on the bed when I heard a knock. Probably a guest. Sho was in the kitchen getting me some food, which was the only time he would leave me. Oh yeah, did I mention sho getting more overprotective of me after the incident. I didn't mind, it was like having a person bodyguard. "Come in" as I hid Erwin under the bed. Then Princess Momo came in. A chill ran down my spine. "Oh no Y/N, oh no no no~" I looked at her with a confused expression. "You're not supposed to be alive" My eyes widened, "You did this to me?" She nodded her head, "But i guess it didn't work out.... Bummer." I was about to say something with somebody covered my mouth with a handkerchief. "H-HELP S-S" then I passed out

Todoroki POV

I was preparing to bring food to Y/N, i didn't trust anyone but me tot bring her food. Suddenly, Erwin came barking loudly and ran to me. "What do you want Erwin" He started barking and running towards Y/N's room.  "You're annoyingly loud." His barking wouldn't cease no matter what I said. "Fine" I was carrying the food tray when I saw the room door open. Instantly I dropped the tray and ran inside the room. "Oh my gosh...oh MY GOSH...OH MY GOSH" by this point I was yelling. "WHERE IS Y/N. WHY IS THIS BED EMPTY" I left her for 5 minutes and she's gone. I started asking around and everybody said the last time they saw her was in her room. 

Eventually somebody told me Princess Momo came to "visit" Y/N. No...NO...NO NOT HER. SHE HAS Y/N. 

I told Y/N's sister, and she didn't even cry at first. She was so shocked she couldn't cry. I went up to father. "Father" He grunted "Y/N's been kidnapped" I could see him flinch. He cleared his throat, "By who?" I raised my voice, "Momo" His eyes widened a little bit. "Father do something about this" "I can't shoto, there isn't any proof and we don't want to ruin our relationship with them" "THE PROOF IS THAT Y/N IS GONE" He stared at me with a shocked expression. I realized I yelled and bowed, "Sorry for yelling father. I'll be going." When was the last time I yelled like that? I walked away. Useless scum.

I walked past Y/N sister's room to hear loud crying and dabi trying to comfort her. I guess I'll just take actions into my own hands. I can't believe Y/N got kidnapped. It's my fault again. What if she's being tortured? Only I can torture her.What is they're touching her? Only I can touch her. What if she's crying? Only I can make her cry. I swear I'll slice each and every one of their hands off. And Momo..she'll experience the most pain of all of them.

Wow...I just disappeared and came back again... I HAVE NO EXCUSE I HAD SCHOOL. Horrible excuse I know. But I might be uploading more? Not sure. But this book is going at a nice pace, not too fast not too slow, me likey😌. Well till the next update, bye loves!!! 💋MWAH💋


P.S. sorry for forgetting to post this in the morning!!😔

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