chapter eight - ❝be sure to treat it well, or you'll end up in scratches.❞

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In Potions class, (Y/N) sat in the back. She told Cedric that she wanted to sit next to Tom for the class - she wanted to get closer to him, but she was also terrified of Snape. So Cedric sat a few seats over, close enough to still keep an eye on each other.

The classroom got more crowded, but there was still no sign of Tom. Usually he showed up first out of all the students - now he didn't show up at all.

Slow footsteps froze her in place - Snape had come in already. She was sitting alone at the back of the class - she knew that Snape would call on her if it seemed she dozed off. And she didn't pay attention a lot in Potions class, mostly because the teacher was terrible and it didn't make her motivated at all.

But Tom hadn't shown himself yet. Fifteen minutes in and he still wasn't there. She exchanged looks with Cedric - she desperately wanted to sit next to him again, but she knew that Snape would kill her if she did.

"(L/N). There must be something awfully interesting if you are not paying attention in my class." Snape's cold voice sent shivers up (Y/N)'s spine and she gulped. She looked at the pale man.

"N-No, sir." Her voice came out as a whisper. Snape glared her down.

"If you feel the need to do anything other than pay attention to my class, you can leave." He held his chin up, directed at the door.

Someone stood up. It was Paula. "Sir, she just doesn't know much about Potions. I'll try to teach her." She moved her books from her desk to (Y/N). Snape continued to glare at the two, but turned around to continue his lesson. (Y/N) squeezed Paula's hand.

"Thanks," she mouthed, not daring to make a sound anymore. Paula shrugged and rolled her eyes - the two of them decided to follow Snape's class, before anything bad happens yet again.


Outside of the Potions classroom, Paula stopped (Y/N) from walking towards the next class. "I need to talk to you."

(Y/N) turned around and glanced at Cedric, who noticed and nodded at her, walking past them. She looked back at Paula and tilted her head. "Is something the matter?"

"It's about Riddle. You've got the hots for him, don't you?" Even though Paula asked it as if she couldn't care less, (Y/N)'s face managed to heat up.

"Why?" she barely could bring out.

"Just asking, but why are you dating Potter if that's the case?"

"I- I'm not dating Harry, he's my friend. I swear, people keep thinking I'm his girlfriend, while in reality I really like To-" (Y/N) stopped herself from finishing her sentence. Paula smirked.

"Well, ever since our last DADA class, I've been observing Riddle's behaviour towards you, and vice versa," she stated, looking at her nails. "You two are adorable. But, not quite there yet."

(Y/N) gulped. "Wh-What are you talking about?"

Paula massaged the bridge of her nose while groaning. "Isn't it obvious, (L/N)? You two have unspoken feelings of each other, but neither of you seem to notice."

"He- wait, Tom-?"

"Likes you? I've assumed that much."

(Y/N) raised her eyebrows. She was happy, very happy to hear that. The first thing she wanted to do when she saw him was to hug him tightly - she still remembered the hug she almost gave him in Herbology class, so she wanted to finish what she started.

"And why are you telling me this, anyway?"

Paula sighed. "Look, I'm irritated by the fact you two seem oblivious to the fact you have undying feelings for each other. And you seem more... approachable than Riddle."

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