chapter seven - ❝you're kind of short. it just suits you a lot.❞

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Things weren't going well for Hufflepuff, because they were constantly being targeted by Slytherin. Not to mention, some of them even made fun of Hufflepuff's LGBT students. That took it too far for (Y/N) — she had enough.

It was Herbology class's hour and (Y/N) and Cedric walked towards Greenhouse Three. They ignored all the things that some of their classmates were yelling at them and other Hufflepuffs — it was the only thing they could do for now. Gathering around the table — Hufflepuff on the left and Slytherin on the right — they awaited Professor Sprout's presence.

"You think they'll ever stop?" (Y/N) whispered to Cedric, eyeing the students in front of her. Cedric shrugged.

"I just hope so. We can ask Professor Sprout for help later," he answered. It was as if the woman was summoned when Cedric said her name, because she appeared from behind the collections of plants at the back of the classroom.

"Good morning," she grinned, her hands at her side. Her gloves were dirty and so were her clothes — there was no doubt that she had been taking care of her plants the entire morning. "Thank you for waiting for me, there was quite a lot of stuff to do before I could get to you." She walked towards the left side of the table, a little bit clumsily, and stopped at (Y/N)'s place. "(Y/N), did you prepare today's lesson?"

She nodded. Professor Sprout turned to Cedric. "What about you, Cedric? Understand everything?" He nodded as well. The short woman asked every single person from the Hufflepuff House if they already understood what they were supposed to learn today. Something like this was Hufflepuff's pride — every single one of them could answer "yes" as they were exceptionally good at Herbology. Their common room was filled with plants of all kinds, and they'd tend to them in their free time. With the help of Professor Sprout, their common room was green and fresh — much to Slytherin's shame, really.

Professor Sprout then walked over to Slytherin's side. "Have you understood today's lesson, Warrington?" Sprout asked. "What about you, Flint?"

Neither of them could answer — they didn't even know what material that had last class. The Head of Hufflepuff smiled at them. "Well, you're lucky, indeed! In front of you stands the Hufflepuff House, masters of Herbology." She looked at her students and smiled. (Y/N) knew exactly what she meant — she was too kind to interrupt or protest, however. "Please partner up with someone from the other House! If you have any questions, ask the Hufflepuff. If the Hufflepuff does not know, please do check your book."

"Where will you be, then, Professor?" (Y/N) asked.

"Oh, I need to tend my Asphodel. Just a bit more and I can brew some potions out of it — ah, and perhaps you'd like to hang some in the common room?" Professor Sprout gave a smile. "Oh, and please, I must say something. At the end of class I'd like to see every pair of you have a Flitterbloom in a pot!" Then she turned around and disappeared to another part of the Greenhouse. (Y/N) looked at Cedric.

"Who are you partnering up with?" she asked.

"I don't know. I would've gone with Tom, but I know you're dying to even sit next to him." He chuckled and (Y/N) smiled while looking at her crush. She noticed that he was looking at her too, smiling awkwardly as he went through the pages of his Herbology book.

Their short interaction was interrupted by someone. "Are we really supposed to partner up with those people?"

"Shut up, Hills, no one wants to partner up with you, anyway!"

"What's that you said? Leave my girlfriend alone, Jocelyn!"

"Yeah, why don't you team up with your girlfriend, Miller?"

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