chapter four - ❝alright, mr. big ego, go on.❞ ❝i'm gay.❞

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It was late in the afternoon. It was quiet in Slytherin House, because everyone decided to go to the Great Hall for an announcement of a sort. It wasn't too important—probably just something minor. It wasn't even Dumbledore who announced it, so Tom didn't worry much about it. Besides, he would hear it from his housemates the moment they'd walk in—they were extremely chatty and would run their mouths all the time.

So, Tom sat there on his bed, staring at his Defence Against the Dark Arts book. It reminded him so much of her. The songs of small blackbirds accompanied the thought of her and they went so well together—Tom saw (Y/N) as kind, thoughtful and generous, but also flexible. She could adapt to her environment and the people around her. It was something talented, but also terrifying. She could change so rapidly that she might change as a person altogether. Tom didn't want to lose her. She was the only person who had caught his attention in a way he had never felt—it was an entirely new experience that he was prepared to look further into.

He closed his eyes as the breeze blew over his face. It was comforting. He rarely had a chance to be alone like this, except for in the Chamber of Secrets, but in his underground private room there were no windows, so a gentle breeze would never brush over his cheeks and tickle his nose. He was lost in thoughts, when he heard the door to the common room in the distance. Tom sighed silently and closed his book. Now that his House was flooding with people again, there was no reason to stay here any longer.

"I can't believe they changed up the classes," a third-year said. "Now we're with Hufflepuff, we won't be able to bully Gryffindor in class."

Hufflepuff? Did he hear that right?

"What was the announcement?" Tom asked, his voice deep and not showing signs of anything else than intimidation. The third-year gulped. "T-They changed our classes. Slytherin with Hufflepuff, Gryffindor with Ravenclaw?"

Tom raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"To— er— so that—" The third-year broke out in tears and her friend groaned in annoyance. "They disliked Slytherin and Gryffindor's rivalry. Originally they were going to make it Gryddindor with Hufflepuff since they get along better, but then Dumbledore suggested that we Slytherins need influence from the kind and just Hufflepuffs. Pathetic, they are."

Tom leaned over the third-year a little, his figure overshadowing hers. "I suggest you keep your filthy words out of your mouth," he hissed as he glared, and then walked away without looking back.

Inside his head there was a celebrating party. He now shared a class with Hufflepuff—that meant there was a chance to see (Y/N) everyday in class. He was excited already. Tom hadn't seen where he was going, because he bumped into someone.

"Oh Tom, speak of the devil," Harry sighed and held Tom's arms. "We need to talk—this is an emergency!"

"What's wrong?" Tom asked, but Harry didn't answer him—instead, he pulled him towards the prefects' bathroom where they slid down to get to the Chamber of Secrets. Harry shouted loudly the moment they got there.

"What is wrong with you?" Tom asked. Harry held his head on both sides. "Oh, Tom, I don't know why I'm telling you this—you clearly have little knowledge of this. But I can't tell anyone else! I just can't!"

Tom walked to him. "What's wrong? You can just tell me."

Harry groaned. "There's someone, alright? Someone—" Tom cut him off. "What? A stalker? A murderer? Who?"

"N-No, Tom, nothing like that, there's a person and I think— ah..." He sighed. "I shouldn't get worked up. I think I'm overreacting." He hummed and walked towards the chairs, sitting down in one of them. He leaned onto the table, biting his lower lip, deep in thought. Tom had no idea what to do.

Tom Ridde Imagine [Non-Voldemort AU]Where stories live. Discover now