Enemy Within

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A dark sky, filled with howling winds and swirling fog encased the city in a perpetual dome of corruption. It had been this way since each of them arrived, and after much time here each began to think of the world outside.

They thought of grassy plains and blue, bright and cloudy skies. They recalled their homes, the towns and cities they lived in and visited.

In the darkness of Palethorn, only the thoughts of shining lights and the call of their homesteads could calm them.

The group moved through the now-familiar alleyways, quickly making their way back to the center of the city.

This time however, instead of going back to Parsib's house, they moved East, finally reaching new, uncharted territory.

Once again they were in the "nice" part of town, now as dilapidated and ruined as the rest. Houses and buildings were cracked and weathered, some badly damaged and a few even burned down from the pandemonium during the initial demonic attack.

The group were partway through the Koutu District, nearing the current target of their side-mission when a loud roar made everyone freeze in place.

Alexander recalled hearing something similar.

Tourthun's roar.

Only...something was wrong.

It was all...distorted. Too deep, yet screeching, and causing him to reflexively shudder.

This was an entirely different dragon, and from the horrifying sound...no normal one.

Looking up at the sky, a figure emerged, flying high above the rooftops of the city.

It was indeed a dragon, and yet its presence only further fueled Alexander's worry.

A black mist swirled around it, trailing behind it as it soared through the air...perfectly matching its body.

A corrupted dragon.

His eyes went wide as he moved backwards and shoved against the others.

"Back, back!" he half-whispered in a clearly rattled tone.

It hadn't spotted them yet...at least, Alexander didn't think it had. It was flying towards them, but they were fairly difficult to spot nestled between several large buildings.

The group doubled back, falling back into the alleyway and ducking into a corner as they crouched down and hid.

The four sat motionless and silent as the dragon approached, breath held.

A shadow was cast over them, and the rest of the alley as the dragon soared above them.

For a moment, internal panic filled the knight, worried that these moments would be his last. The gusts of wind battered against him and the rest of the group as the creature flew up above.

After what seemed like ages, the shadow disappeared, the beast sailing past them and out into the rest of the city.

Everyone was silent for several minutes until the sounds of the flying dragon finally faded away.

"T-they have a dragon?!" Charles cried, looking up at the sky, though the buildings around them blocked any real view.

"Looks like it," Alexander replied quietly, slowly standing up.

Senci shook his head. "I-I can't believe it, how did they...they can't just..."

Razorwing stood tall, eyes narrowed as he looked up. "Friends, do not lose heart! We shall triumph yet! Do not forget we have a dragon of our own..."

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