Back From the Brink

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The entire group was silent for the trip back, save for near inaudible, whispered encouragements from Senci to Vok.

The group, now five strong, emerged from the sewers into the Citadel.

As they walked inside, the brief silence was cut short by screams. They grew in number and intensity as everyone in the camp turned to see a reptilian, blank-eyed and wrapped in shadows, stumbling into their sanctuary, clutching onto Senci as he forced himself on.

The citizens bolted, the entire area around the group dispersing until the commotion spilled over into the rest of the encampment.

"That's about what I was expecting," Razorwing noted with a hint of worry.

"T-this is still a bad idea," Charles said quietly.

"He can make it," Senci retorted.

As they kept moving, new figures emerged from the crowd. Unlike the citizens, these monsterfolk wear wearing mail, colorful tabards and other assortments of armor.

The guards.

They quickly charged forward until they reached the group, forming a line in between them and the survivors behind them.

"Ah, hell," Alexander said with a shake of his head, "Here we go. No one do anything stupid."

"Too late," the half-dragon muttered from behind him. The knight stifled a chuckle before addressing the guards, voice raised.

"Alright everyone, please remain calm! Would someone be so kind as to bring the cleric and priest this way, please?"

"What the hell is this?!"

Another familiar shout. As expected, the Captain of the Guard shoved past the front line and approached. The wolfman captain was, as usual, wearing chainmail with a surcoat, and had a furious expression on his face.

"Wurie, easy! He's-"

"He's WHAT?!" the Captain shouted, "I'll tell you what, he's one of THEM! What the HELL do you think you're doing?!"

"We found him and-"

"I trusted you, knight!" Wurie cried, "How could you betray us like this?!"

"No, listen!"

"YOU listen!" the Captain returned, "These people are all that's left, and I will NOT let that thing tear them apart! Stand back and let us deal with it!"

"He can think and reason, Captain. He's fighting it."

"An obvious ploy," the wolfman returned, "Stand aside." His voice was firmer, now.

The knight shook his head. "Can't do that, sir."

Wurie appeared shocked, but took a deep breath and stood up taller.

"If you don't move out of the way...I'll have what's necessary to protect these people. Please...don't do this. Stand aside."

"Wurie, don't!" Senci shouted, "It's Vok!"

The guard shook his head.

"Not anymore. I'm sorry, Senci. There's only one thing we can do for him now...and it's to end his suffering."

"N-no! Vok, tell them!"

"Tell? What are you-"

"Wurie," the corrupted beast spoke near breathlessly, "It's's Vok..."

The guard's eyes widened at those words. He seemed to recoil in disbelief, shrinking away from the creature in a rare display of fear.

"V-Vok...?" he whispered, terror washing over him.

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