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Charles stood before the group's destination, head raised and staring up to the top of the large spire that was the academy.

The building was truly tall, reaching as far up as a castle fortress would. Unlike a castle, the academy was not built with defense in mind, allowing its architecture and resources to go in a completely different direction.

Its smooth stone walls lacked any rooftops, edges or battlements, allowing the university to be shaped like a giant cylinder, towering above them and practically inviting them in with a unique air of mystery about it.

Large windows were visible throughout much of the spiral tower, with a very large stained glass window in the middle, near the top of the tower. Much unlike cathedrals or basilicas, it did not depict any saints or holy symbols, instead merely broken up into several different shards, all meeting at the center to form a small circle.

"Woah..." Senci muttered. The rest of the group wasn't far behind, all appearing to be wowed by the structure as well.

"Most impressive," Razorwing noted quietly.

Charles turned back and smiled wistfully. "Wonderful, isn't it? It was even more beautiful inside, until..."

He took a deep breath and squeezed his eyes shut, wings twitching slightly. "Just...prepare yourselves. Remember what I said."

Alexander nodded. "Right...let's try and make this quick, than."

"Indeed...let's." The dragonoid appeared distressed, with his hands folded behind his back as he moved through the barren field nervously.

The path to the university was quite large and simple, with the sizable amount of land around it belonging to the university, and thus protected from being used to build on by the rest of the city.

Alexander imagined the field must have once been a sight to behold, a wide expanse of verdant, freshly cut grass. Now though, it looked more like charcoal, the soil and vegetation likely killed and warped by the corruption spreading throughout the city.

The stone path was cracked and weathered-looking, but otherwise unaffected by the devastation the rest of the city was subjected to.

The group approached, heading towards the large wooden doors, rounded and reinforced with iron. Alexander noticed the door on the left was slightly ajar.

"Has someone come here recently...?"

Charles shrugged. "Well, perhaps? I DID leave the door open on my out, though. I...had other things on my mind."

"Ah. Still, best keep an eye out."

"Obviously." the magician answered coldly.

The knight raised a brow. There he was, acting exasperated again.

This place was his home. To see it fall to wonder his mood has soured.

The group stepped up to the entrance, readying themselves for the sights ahead. Charles gave it a small push, the door creaking as it swung open further.

He turned back to the group, visage dark. "Go on...and as a precaution, keep your gaze above the floor, and cover your nose."

Alexander was the first to step forward and enter the academy. He heard footsteps behind him, but the scene before him made that an inkling at the back of his mind.

Bodies were strewn across the entrance floor. The room itself looked to be in tatters, with various decorative statues and vases knocked over and shattered across the ground.

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