Come Together

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Razorwing lay under sheets inside of a tent, quietly resting. The excursions throughout the city were quite exhausting, and while he wasn't wounded like Paul was, he was tired all the same.

His break came to an end when he was roused from near-slumber by what sounded like commotion. He blinked as several voices rang out, something quite uncommon in this encampment.

Demons could be listening, after all. The people knew to work and speak quietly.

Feeling a sense of looming dread, Razorwing sat up in his bedroll and grabbed his bow. Had something gotten in...?

He sprung up and grabbed his quiver, securing it onto his waist as he barrelled through the tent flaps and out into the camp.

Looking around, the archer found a crowd forming around the medical tent.

There hadn't been an...accident, had there?

He quickly jogged over and began carefully moving through the crowd, making sure not to push and shove anyone. He may have been in a hurry, but he certainly had time for manners!

The crowd noticed it was him and began moving out of the way, anyway. A perk to being a hero, he supposed.

A few guards stood before the tent, keeping the people outside. Seeing the koutu, they nodded and stepped aside, allowing him entrance.

As he reached the tent, he pushed the flaps aside and stepped through, his eyes falling on something quite remarkable.

Alexander sat on his bed, wide awake.

The man was sitting with his feet on the floor, his gaze turning to the koutu.


It was a quiet voice. One of somber recollection.

"Alexander..." Razorwing said, voice clearly full of surprise.

The human slowly looked over at the bed directly in front of him. Razorwing turned to look as well, and his eyes widened as he saw what the knight was looking at.

Senci was sitting up too, perfectly awake and aware. He was however, busy guzzling down a bottle full of what looked like water.

The knight stood up and turned his gaze to the koutu once more.

"'re the one."

Razorwing tilted his head. "Err...I'm sorry?"

The man put a hand on the archer's shoulder, looking him square in the eyes.

"I don't know who you are. I don't know how you found me. I don't know how you got me back here alive...but thank you."

Razorwing smiled. "We must work together in this dark land, no questions asked! I am certain you would have done the same."

Alexander nodded. "Likely...though I wouldn't have reached the Citadel in time. I'm lucky you were there to, uh...deliver me."

The bird shrugged. "No matter. How in the world are you up and about? Your neck bears no scars, everything's healed up perfectly!"

Alexander pointed a thumb over his shoulder, back to the two other humans, still lying in bed. "Leianna finally got enough wind back in her sails to help out. She may have overdone it though, because, well...she's back to being bedridden again."

"Magic is a fickle thing," the koutu noted. Alexander nodded in response.

"Still, thanks to her work Senci and I are well once more. I don't know what you and the others have been up to, but I'm on a mission...and I'm ready to go."

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