A Test of Mettle

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Alexander sleepily eyed the people around him. The knight, much to his dismay, seemed to have drifted off during his rest. He was sat in the Citadel, leaning against the side of a tent. The group of humans were gathered with the monsters, sitting in a circle around Tourthun. It seemed everyone took an impromptu break when they discovered the humans and dragon were doing the same.

Alexander reached for his helmet. It was placed to his right, leaning up against the reclined knight while his armor lay on his left. With a heavy sigh, Alexander strained to focus on what his companions were saying, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"So, how is life at the monastery?" Senci looked over at Lexius quizzically. "I was inspired by my master to become a holy man, but...I never got to, with the exile and all."

The priest shrugged. "It's a fair life. You are accommodated for, and asides from honing your body, mind and faith, there isn't much to it. If you enjoy a comfortable lifestyle, I wouldn't recommend it. I would describe it as...'austere'. Simple beds, minimal furnishings, gruel...It's not for the posh or dandy, certainly. If you want to spend your days reading and praying in peace, however, you would be hard pressed to find a better lifestyle."

"So..." Senci hesitated, appearing not to want to offend the priest, "...why did you leave?"

Lexius grimaced. "I've said this many times; I could not stand idly by while the demons threatened our land. I took a vow to stop the spread of evil wherever it may go. I HAD to act."

"Hey there, sleepyhead." A somewhat snide, but playful voice made Alexander look up. It was Leianna. "So is this going to be a pattern with you, or what? You've spent most of your time in this demon infested city snoozing."

"First off, I had spent the entire previous day and night training before I came," Alexander's grimace shifted into a slightly less annoyed look, "and second...were you THERE when we climbed the mountain, weren't you?"

"Point taken," Leianna laughed, "Can't say I don't feel the same way."

Alexander slowly got to his feet as Lexius looked over at the knight and cleric, nodding slowly. "Excuse me, it is time for us to journey to the Blackheart."

"W-wait!" Senci raised his hand as he stood up as well. "Could I accompany you? I'm certain I could be of use!"

Lexius looked over at Alexander questioningly. The knight put his hands on his hips, unsure. "Well...are you certain? I don't think that the surface is for someone that isn't battle-hardened..."

'Yes, yes!" the kobold clenched his fists excitedly, "Master taught me, remember? Master Andric was a paladin! I can fight!"

"No offense, but you seemed pretty..." Alexander looked for a way to be frank without insulting the kobold, "...unprepared, when we met on the streets. If I hadn't hesitated, I could of taken you out easily. I don't want to put anyone at risk without necessity."

"T-that's because I was scavenging!" Senci said, worked up. "You saw I had only robes, a spear, and a sack for my findings! I was only geared up to escape or get a stab in, if need be! I'm a warrior, through and through!"

The knight looked over the kobold. His body had a highly bulky and athletic build. It was quite rare for kobolds to be anything but lithe and wiry, which lent credence to his story. Perhaps a paladin really did take him under his wing...

"Alright, alright...how about a test?"

Senci's enthusiasm seemed to suddenly sour. "W-what? You mean-"

"A sparring session, yes. Come on now, if you really want to come you'll need to show me you're ready."

"O-oh, sir knight, I am but a humble squire in comparison to a true knight. Surely I could not defeat you!" Alexander shook his head.

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