The Question

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Lukes POV

There she is sitting with Claire, I knew she would be here, she always comes here after school on a Friday.

Come on, dude. Man up ask her out, if she says no just shake it off its only a little crush.

I walked up to her and said, "Hey Charlie, I was wondering can I talk to you a minute, in private."

Oh shit, the answer is already no.

"Yeah, sure whats up?" she said, I looked up at her sparkling green eyes as she spoke.

"Emm, I was wondering would you like to go on a date with me?" I could feel myself blushing, great and now I'm the girl.

She began to speak, I stared at my feet, "I'm sorry but the answer is going to have to be no. Sorry."

She gave a reassuring smile and walked off.

Well that went fucking brilliant.

I saw Jai walking towards me, "Did you do it?"

"Yeah, I did."

"Come on spit it out, what was the fucking answer."

I stared at this idiot, "What do you think, the fucking answer was no!" I stormed off as I was really starting to get pissed of at Jai, I am such a girl.

Charlie's POV

"Emm, I was wondering would you like to go on a date with me?"

Oh god, I knew this day would come, did he honestly think I couldnt see him staring at the back of my neck or feel it at that?

I thought about it and then said, "I'm sorry but the answer is going to be no. Sorry."

I knew it had to be done but he's so fucking cute, the fact he was blushing didn't help.

No, snap out of it Charlotte you know this dude is trouble.

I walked back to my friend, I looked back seeeing Jai talking to Luke, I'm guessing this was about the so called 'question'.

"So, what did he want?" my best friend Claire asked.

Damn is she nosey.

"Oh, em, he kind of asked me out on a date but I said no."

I seen the shock spring on to her face, "What do you mean you said no, I would have thought you would have been right in there."

"Well, I don't want to date at the moment but I have to admit he is pretty damn fucking cute. Ugh, I'm such an idiot, I should've said yes."

"Then go catch up with him, and be like you know what I thought about it and I would like to change my motherfucking answer to yes."

"CLAIRE!!!! What is wrong with you I can't just change my answer. Now come on we have Olivia's party tonight and we have to get ready."

"Okay chick, see you at the party."

I picked up my penny board and made my way home.


Jai's POV 

I made it home at last.

"Luke are you going to the party tonight?"

I loved him and all but hes a real kill joy sometimes, he's just sitting lying on his bed on his phone.

"I dont know what if i bump into Charlie."

"Make small talk, now come on this party is in 2 hours go shower and try and not think about her right now."


He was so looking forward to seeing her again at this party I could see it in his eyes, even if she had rejected him I know he will keep trying.

Ha, I love this night already.

Charlie's POV

What to wear, I was just throwing clothes all over the place.

Finally, my perfect outfit my black skater skirt, white crop top with big red lips on.

I shoved it on, knowing exactly what shoes I would be wearing, my black heels with a little strap.

For make up, I just put on a bit of conceler under my eyes, grey eye shadow, mascara and my favourite red lipstick.

Okay, okay what time is it, i check my phone 7.30.

Alright, let's do this thang. I put on my shoes shoved my phone, purse and lipstick in my little black shoulder bag.

"Bye mom. I'll text you when im coming home. Love you!"

"Alright no later than 3. Love you too."

"Okay bye."

Free at last.

I started walking to Olivias.

Luke's POV

Why am I doing this? I look fine.

I heard Beau shouting, "Oi you cunt hurry up or you can walk to this fucking party."

I cheacked one last time, grabbed my phone.

Don't panic. Come on Lukey boy chill. Shes just a girl. Enjoy the party and pray you dont walk into her.

I got in the car.

"Luke, Luke, Luke."

"What? For fuck sake what the hell do you want Jai?"

"Geez relax, I wanted to know if you were gonna try and get her number?"

"Are you kidding? No I'm not taking that risk."

"Okay, that's all I wanted to know."

I went back to my own thoughts.


A/N: Im sorry if this is shit but it will get better, I promise

Finally (Luke Brooks Fan fiction) *UNDER EXTREME EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now