The Kill

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Jimin's eyes narrow as he presses his body against the dirt. The deer is a few paces in front of him, unaware of his presence. In his wolf form, Jimin is about the same size as of the doe. Maybe a little smaller. But he's sure he can take the creature down nonetheless. The kill is about swiftness, the element of surprise, and experience rather than strength.

He's positioned downwind so there is no chance of the animal smelling him. Jimin readies himself. Muscled tenses and teeth bared. He's about to pounce and suddenly-


A much larger wolf jumps on the deer, jaws locked around the animals neck and dragging it down. The deer struggles for a few moments before the wolf snaps its neck cleanly.

Jimin growls. That was his kill.

The alpha wolf turns to him and gives a pointed look. His pack mates don't approve of him hunting. Jimin is an omega. One of the pack's favorite in fact.

The alpha shifts into a familiar face. Jimin recognized Minho by scent anyway, but he can't complain to him in wolf form. Jimin shifts as well, words already on his tongue as he stalks forward and leaves stick to the bottom of his feet.

"What are you doing out here Jimin?" Minho asks. Minho has always been a kind alpha. Strong and loyal. Everything that Jimin was told to look for in a mate. Jimin has considered it before. He's decided to wait until he's ready to settle down before finalizing his decision on an alpha.

Every young alpha in pack has been trying court Jimin since he turned sixteen and presented. He would often find dead animals at his doorstep as gifts. The animals were accepted, but Jimin never engaged with the alpha who left the scented creature on his doorstep. They made good dinners for him and his mother at least. There were other gifts as well. Handcrafted jewelry, newly tanned hides and furs, and clothes of high quality. Needless to say, Jimin was spoiled to death. He liked the new attention, grew a little addicted to it even. But he wasn't ready for a mate. 

Nothing has changed since he's turned twenty-three. Everyone tells him he's the most beautiful and sweet smelling omega they've ever laid eyes on, but Jimin has long grown tired of such insincere affection. He knows they all want him to bear them just as beautiful pups. To stay in a den and have their litters. Jimin wants more out of life than that. And Jimin isn't ready to become an omega that stays in the den and rears litters for the rest of their life.

"I was hunting," Jimin says. He frowns at Minho. He is one of the few alphas who doesn't tell him not to ruin his pretty face with such foul expressions.

"You should be closer to the pack. It isn't safe out here."

Jimin's pack has been at war for nearly three months. The other pack is bigger and stronger. Full of more alphas. But both packs have paid a great deal. Jimin's pack has lost over fifty lives. Their pack was already small, but now they worry for their survival. Most of the deaths have been warriors. Alphas.

That's why Jimin is out hunting. The other pack members have to pick up the slack. And as it grows colder, Jimin knows they can't allow starvation to take any more lives.

"I'm not afraid Minho."

"I worry for you." Minho takes a few steps closer to Jimin. The look on his face is genuine as he takes Jimin's hands. He's a sweet alpha, always protects his pack mates. The omegas he's especially gentle with. Every omega in the pack loves him, but he only has eyes for the feisty omega in front of him. "Please. Go home. They'll need you there if something happens. You're one of the only ones besides the alphas that can fight."

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