Four Months

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X-rated for explicit content

"Where were you last night?" Jungkook already knows the answer. Jin had told him that he'd been sexiled, that's why the beta was in Jungkook's bed last night. Still, Jungkook wants to know what Jimin says.

It's Jungkook's turn to make breakfast and Jimin is "helping." Really the omega is just sitting on the counter and eating pieces of bacon as they come out of the frying pan. Very helpful if you ask him.

"I was in Namjoon and Yoongi-hyung's room." Jimin wiggles his feet as they hang off the counter. He nibbles on his lip as he begins yo doubt himself. The alphas are Jungkook's mates too. And Jimin just assumed that they'd all be fine with Jimin sleeping with the two. It hadn't even occured to him that his actions might cause some jealousy. "Is that... Does that bother you?"

"I-" Jungkook licks his lips. He goes back to stirring the pan in front of him as he tries to think.

"I didn't mean to-" Jimin begins, but he stops himself. Where should he even start? I'm sorry for being a slut and trying to steal your mates? That's not what he's trying to do but Jungkook seems to think as much. "I'm sorry if it was inappropriate. I just thought after what happened during my heat and everything that it wouldn't matter. It was stupid. I shouldn't have."

"What?" Jungkook looks back to Jimin with confusion. The omega is antsy where he sits and refuses to look at the younger. "It doesn't bother me that you had sex with them, Jiminie."


"It's just..." the alpha's voice goes quiet. "You weren't waiting for me when I got home."

"Oh Jungkook-ah." Jimin slips off the counter and steps close to Jungkook. "I didn't know that was important to you. I only do it because I want to know you're all safe. After hyungs and I- you know- I could smell that you home already. That's the only reason I could sleep."

"I like when you're there. And when you ask me how my day was and give me a neck massage," Jungkook admits softly. "It's our little routine, you know?"

"Can I make it up to you?" Jimin asks. His hand rests in the short hairs on Jungkook's neck, soothing the alpha's stress and anxiety. "Anything you want."

"Anything?" Jimin catches the glint of mischief in Jungkook's eyes.

"After we finish breakfast," Jimin says. "Can't leave everyone hanging."

"I don't know if I can wait that long." Jungkook is suddenly pressing Jimin against the counter, their hips flushed. Jimin looks up at the alpha with a conflicted emotion.

"Kookie-" Jimin wonders where this behavior's come from. Jungkook is usual shy and the begging type. He calls Jimin hyung and lets the omega take control anytime they're close. But Jungkook isn't doing any of that right now. Jimin likes this behvaior, wherever it's coming from.

"You weren't quiet last night, you know? I came home, wondering where you were, and then I heard you. God. Do you know how good you sounded? It took all my control to barge in hyung's room and take a part of you for myself."

Jimin's face is red, from embarrassment and how fluster he is. If Jungkook heard him, so did everyone else. Part of him is proud of that. Everyone knows his place, knows how good his alphas give it and how good he takes it.

"You're burning the eggs," Jimin sputters out.

Jungkook only smirks at the omega before abandoning him and returning to the stove top. He doesn't look at Jimin as he speaks. "I want you in the bathroom in five minutes."

Jimin feels the sharp edge of the bathroom counter digging into the back of his thighs and the sink is cold against his ass. He couldn't care less though. Not with Jungkook holding him up and his legs wrapped around the alpha. He missed Jungkook's touch. Missed his lips. Missed all of him.

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