Blood and Tears Run Hot

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TW: Blood, violence, and (minor) death

Jimin decides to devote his time to helping Mina care for Jiyoo and Heiren. When he isn't reading or hunting, he's either with the two omegas or fetching things for Mina. The beta needs special herbs and roots to makes sure that pregnant omegas are getting the nutrients they need. Mina has started called Jimin a doula, although he thinks of himself more as a carer.

Heiren has had quite a few talks with Mina, and now Jimin, about her baby. She can't bring herself to get rid of it, no matter the circumstance she's in. Maybe she doesn't have the heart. Maybe she doesn't care how the baby was conceived. It's her baby and no one else's. She plans to treat it as such.

Jiyoo's scent has started to change and her belly has started to grow. She doesn't smile much, but Jimin swears that the new mother will be okay. She has a new pack around her and she's started to grow closer to Heiren. The loneliness isn't as unbearable anymore and the grief is less intense. The longing for her mate will never really fade, but Jiyoo can recover. Even if it's only for the child she carries.

There are four other omegas in the pack that are also pregnant. Within three weeks of Jimin's new commitment to Heiren and Jiyoo, they start coming to him too. Within four weeks snow has started to fall and he's become a babysitter for the pack's new mothers too.

Taehyung finds it endearing that Jimin's been in the pack for just over two months and he's already made himself irreplaceable. Jimin's happy where he is. He's found a place for himself in the pack.

The situation with the humans continues to grow tense. Namjoon hasn't made anymore announcements, but Jimin can see the stress on him and his mates. He doesn't pry, not even when one of them comes back from the city after a meeting, but he does give shoulder massages to any one of the leaders that needs it. And they've brought him back more books to read and told him stories about how strange human cities can be. Jimin loves the attention from all of them and he is willing to admit it. He wants to help relax them and he takes Jiah some nights so that the six of them can have alone time.

The six month old is admittedly Jimin's favorite pup. Jiah smiles and giggles whenever she sees Jimin and it makes the omega whipped. Jiah has been growing steadily and Taehyung always jokes that she'll be too heavy to hold before she's a toddler. She's started to roll over on her own and she sits up without much help. Jimin already fears the day she'll be able to walk, knowing the pup will cause so much trouble.

It's the night of the full moon a month later and Jimin has decided to stay back and watch Jiah so her parents can go on a run. He'd offered to watch other pups for the night, but the mothers agreed that Jimin already did too much for them. So tonight it's just Jimin and Jiah in his den.

"Hi sweetheart," Jimin coos at her. She looks so cute in his nest that Jimin's heart melts. She responds to her name now and has a few teeth she bares when she smiles. "You're just they cutest little girl, aren't you?"

Jimin gets the pup to bed earlier than usual. Jimin guesses it's about midnight when he hears it. A loud bang! that echoes across the territory. Jiah startles awake and Jimin tries to comfort her.

A howl follows the sound although Jimin can't identify who's it is. It's a howl of an attack.

Half a dozen other howls fill the night, but Jimin focuses on Namjoon's. It's an order to return to camp that gets abruptly silenced by another bang. Jimin sits up in his nest and feels himself panic.

Jimin gathers Jiah in his arms, draping a fur around her that was a gift from her parents, and cautiously opens his den's door. The air is silent, the night only illuminated by the full moon. Even Jiah is still in Jimin's arms.

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