The Next Step

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Me: I should finish this story

My brain: or you could work in a one shot that you won't post for a while

Me: genius

Jimin is curled up comfortably in bed when he wakes. Not his bed, but he hasn't slept in his bed in a while. He likes waking up next to his future mates too much. Even if the bed is always cramped.

Becoming mates is likely to happen sooner than later. If Jimin is right, and he usually is, the contentedness in his bones is because of his pre-heat. Just like the restless of waking up alone.

Jimin yawns as he stretches. The bedsheets still smell of Hoseok, Taehyung, and Jungkook but the three alphas are missing from Jimin's side. He knows they had to work today but he still has a sense of abandonment. Jimin had taken off work preemptively. His heat is right on schedule. Unfortunately, the others can't take a heat leave until Jimin is actually in heat. Even then the law only grants them three days of paid leave so they've planned to spread the time out in a way that ensures Jimin will have as much attention as possible. Jimin is looking forward to that. Of course he wishes that he could spend his full heat with all of his mates but they can't take so many days off without pay. In Yoongi's words, fuck capitalism.

Jimin groans as he sits up. He needs to fill up on calories over the next two days in preparation. The nausea is often enough to put Jimin off eating, but he can force himself. He would spend most of the day eating if there was anything in their apartment that he actually wanted. Their cabinets are full of cheap noodles and artificial food. It the best they can afford in bulk and Jimin's never had a problem with it before. Now, however, when his wolf is dying to eat something fresh and bloody, the crap in the fridge isn't enough.

Jimin gives up his quest for food and collapses on the couch frustrated. He'll eat later, he decides, before falling asleep promptly on the cushions.

Someone is shaking Jimin's shoulder. Rude. It's not even one of his mates so the omega just huffs and snuggles against the cushions deeper.

"Jimin," Taemin says softly. "Jiminie."

"What?" Jimin groans back. He hasn't even bothered to open his eyes. Sleep is too comfortable. Too inviting.

"Min, you fell asleep on the couch." Taemin rubs gentle circles into Jimin's shoulder. "Come on. I'll help you to the bed. It's more comfortable."

"Ugh." Jimin sits up finally and looks at the older omega from the corner of his eye. The mating mark on Taemin's neck seems more obvious today. Jinki and Taemin had bonded over a week ago, quiet and spontaneously in their shared room. Jimin was happy for his fellow omega, but he can't wait to have a mark, or rather marks, of his own. He meets Taemin's eyes. "Why aren't you at work?"

"I asked for a half day so I could come home and look after you." Taemin guides Jimin to turn towards him. Jimin's feet touch the floor and he huffs. "I didn't think you were in preheat already or I would've tried to come sooner."

"Thanks hyung." Jimin rubs the sleep from his eyes. Taemin and Jimin have spent heats caring for each other before, back in their birth-pack. It's a familiar dynamic for them.

"Come on," Taemin repeats. Jimin nods and Taemine helps him up. Jimin could walk on his own but he doesn't want to. His preheat makes him want to be taken care of. "Have you eaten yet?"

"I didn't want to," Jimin confesses. "Nothing's fresh."

"I'll tell you what, you get some more rest and I'll go out to pick up a real meal."

"Yeah that sounds nice."


Jimin doesn't get out of bed for the rest of the day. He sips on the water that Taemin brought him and chokes down as much food as he can. A numbing sense of comfort is all he can feel as he waits for his mates to come home.

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