The Things They Do

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X-rated for explicit sexual content (it's at the end. You can skip it if you want)

Jiah has taken to running around the daycare in wolf form. It's best way for her to get around quickly and she can bite and lick everything she's curious about. Jimin and Taehyung have assured everyone that Jiah won't hurt anyone with her teeth or claws intentionally, but they have kept an eye on her. If she's upset she may try to pounce on someone. Alphas will be alphas.

For now Jiah just likes the attention the other kids give her. They love to pet her and play with her in her wolf form. She often falls asleep while being pet and someone will have to move her to a crib. She'll shift back to human form in her sleep and needs to be redressed before joining the other kids again. Nudity was never something to be ashamed or worried over back in the forest, but humans are very modest and they make sure their children are too.

Jimin is at the front of the daycare. He's standing at the podium and marking down the newest arrival. The bell at the front door rings but Jimin doesn't look up.

"Go play sweetheart."

Jimin freezes. He knows that voice. His head snaps up. A young boy, maybe five, runs past Jimin to play. His mother is who draws Jimin's attention. The hunter woman. The one that pointed a gun at him and told him to run while Heiren and Jiyoo bled out next to him.

Jimin's eyes are yellow and his body is tense. He's ready for any hostility. Ready to defend himself. He doesn't see any weapons on the woman, but he doesn't trust her. Not for a long shot. She slaughtered wolves.

"I see you took my advice," the woman says as she looks at Jimin. "Got out. Your pup did too?"

"Yeah." Jimin licks his lips and takes a small step back. "Why are you here? How'd you know I was here?"

"I didn't. I dropping my son off at daycare. I'm trusting he's in good hands?"

Even if this woman is a murderer, even if she threatened Jimin's life, Jimin wouldn't hurt a kid. "He'll be fine."


"Why'd you spare me?" Jimin's been wondering that question since she told him to run. Why him? Why not one of the pregnant omegas beside him? Why not the children?

"Your kid reminded me of my son," the woman admits. "I couldn't hurt her."

"And the other kids? What about them?"

"I don't kill kids. Never have and never will. I was against it, but it's not like I had any place to say." The woman looks Jimin up and down. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry. You have to do what you have to do."

"What you have to do?" Jimin takes a step forward. Furious. "You slaughtered an entire pack."

"It's the only money I can get. I have to feed my kid," the woman says defensively. She has a crooked nose and intense eyes. Her coat is made of leather and so are her boots. She looks more like a bounty hunter than a wolf hunter. "Just do your job."

The woman leaves and Jimin has to take a break to keep himself from breaking something. He decides not to tell the others about the hunter. He had a feeling that he wouldn't be seeing her again anyway.

Jimin is proud of himself for not killing the hunter. As much as she hurt him, he doesn't want revenge. He isn't that kind of person. He couldn't kill someone's mother in the name of vengeance. He'd killed before in self-defense, but the hunter doesn't seem to want to hurt him now that he's off the land.

He wonders how far he would go for money. For Jiah. Would he kill someone for her? Without question. Kill a child for her? A pregnant woman? Jimin doesn't know. He'll never know unless confronted with that situation. He thinks he'd resort to other methods besides becoming a professional murderer. Thief. Beggar. Hell, even prostitute.

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