The Luckiest

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X-rated for explicit sexual content (reminder that male omegas are intersex)

TW: attempted sexual assault

The shelter isn't great. Jimin shouldn't be as surprised as he is. It's a low funded and old organization that only supports werewolves. Of course they aren't working with much.

They can't afford to give them specifically baby food, so Jiah has been stuck with Taehyung's milk more often than not. Jongin and Sungwoon drop off food for her when they can, but it isn't much.

On top of that, they can't even feed all of the adult wolves. They make soup more than anything else, mostly because rations can be extended by just adding water. But it isn't very filling and they're lacking nutrients. All of them give Taehyung parts of their portions so that he can stay fed. He would refuse, but he has to feed Jiah so he relents. Even though Jongin and Sungwoon have donated food and time to the shelter, they can't give food solely to specific wolves. It's against policy. They let it slide for Jiah but not for anyone else.

All of them have lost weight and their bulk. Jimin looks the same way he did when he arrived at the pack. All skin and bones. Even the alphas have lost some of their muscle. Taehyung is the healthiest weight, but he could still gain a few pounds.

Jimin is getting tired of having to share the showers. Some of the alphas eye him when he's fully clothed and he doesn't want to end up in the showers with one of them. Even if Jimin will wait for others to finish, he can't control if someone wants to come in while he's showering. The others noticed his nerves and now one of them is always posted outside the room or showering with Jimin to make sure he isn't bothered.

Jimin is used to being desired, but it was different then. Jimin had his own den and his own space. Now he's vulnerable. Physically and emotionally.

Sleeping is an different issue. Some of their shelter mates snore and some don't sleep until late into the night. The mattresses are uncomfortable and they lack enough blankets. Jimin's nightmares have grown worse and worse no matter how hard he tries to drown them out. Being in the center of the camp when the hunters came has proven to have been traumatic. Even though Jimin insists he's fine, the others know. They alternate sleeping beside him every night. Their scents and their presence sooth the omega when he wakes up terrified and short of breath.

So no, the shelter isn't great.

But all of the people that work and volunteer there are angels. They smile and love to chat with everyone their. They try their best to accommodate their needs with the little resources they have.

Apparently the story of their pack had gotten sympathy and more people have been volunteering to offer assistance. No one else from their pack has showed up at the shelter, but they hope they've found somewhere safe.

The people are the ones who give them hope. The knowledge that people do care. Jongin and Sungwoon visit every week. Doctors offer free health check ups for anyone at the shelter. People donate food and any money they can spare.

They may not have a lot, but they're surrounded by people who care.

The shelter offers them one of the most important things. Knowledge. They teach them the basics of of, well, everything. They explain aspects of work and what they'll need to do to get a job. They tell them about places they could live and how the economy is set up. They all do a lot of reading in their down time.

Jimin's the only one who hasn't gone out tried to find work. The shelter recommended that he wait until his heat passed before trying to. Just for his own safety and so that he doesn't have to take a week off any job he may get. But no one has been lucky enough to be offered work. They try not to worry.

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