We Are Seven

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"Minnie?" Namjoon says tentatively. The pair are snuggled in Namjoon's shared bed while they have the room to themselves. "I need your help with something."

Jimin's curious to say the least. He lifts his head from the alpha's chest, disrupting the hand running through his hair. "What's up?"

"You know my rut's late? I think I'm too stressed or something." Namjoon's rut is almost two weeks late. It's very unhealthy for an alpha. Their cycles aren't delayed by their comfort like omegas's heats, which means Namjoon's stress is causing a hormone imbalance. Usually, stress won't delay a rut but rather shorten it. Hoseok and Yoongi's last ruts apparently only lasted a few hours, which wasn't unsurprising considering the fall of the pack. But it's possible that Namjoon's body is different than other alphas, and that his rut is being delayed instead.

"What can I do?"

"Just talk to me today? Help me remember what... who I'm doing this for."

Jimin thinks back to when he first met Namjoon. It's hard to think of him as an intimidating person now. Jimin sees him as a deep and loving soul. Before he knew him, however, Jimin remembers being nauseated at the thought of going anywhere the alpha. That was the same day that Jimin's pack fell. It feels like a lifetime ago now.

"Do you remember when we met?" Jimin asks.

"Of course. Your wolf was gorgeous, even covered in blood."

"I thought you were going to kill me at first. Execute me for killing the last alpha or whatever. Then, when you dragged me back to your pack, I thought you were going to force me to be your mate," Jimin admits. "I was proved wrong pretty quick, but you and your mates confused me. I didn't understand why I felt so many things towards you all."

"Like what?" Namjoon has resumed petting Jimin's hair as he listens. Jimin's voice is soothing to the ear, especially so early in the day when the omega isn't fully awake.

"When I first saw all of you together... it was life changing in a way. It's like part of me just knew that I'd always be with you guys from then on. I couldn't breath. Then it was all complicated. I didn't want to insert myself into your life, but I wanted to know everything about you. I don't know exactly when I fell in love with you all but I know that I'll never stop."

"I know what you mean. About never stopping loving thing." Namjoon leans down and kisses Jimin's forehead. "I think the seven of us would always end up together. In every life and every universe."

"You cheesy bitch." Jimin playfully shoves his chest with a small laugh. "I agree with you."

Namjoon smiles at the omega in his arms. They'd definitely find each other after this life. They have to. One life isn't enough time to love each other as much as they need to.

Namjoon's rut ends up hitting later that day. Jimin seems to be a natural stress reliever. He's happy that he could make Namjoon feel more relaxed by just being around. Even as Namjoon has a rising fever, he's generally calm.

"Have you thought about mating me during my next heat?" Jimin asks suddenly. Namjoon doesn't respond right away. He shifts so he's facing Jimin, breath hitting the omega's neck, and teasing bites down on his skin. Jimin squeaks in surprise.

"I haven't stopped thinking about it."

"Yeah?" Jimin's voice is strained slightly at the thought. He's wanted to be official mates for a while now. The thought of it happening soon is driving him up the wall.

Namjoon hums against Jimin's skin in confirmation. "Everyone has. We can't fucking wait."

Jimin smiles unconsciously. He isn't alone in his anticipation then.

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