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Javier's pov

"I think shes mad." I snickered as maya, a few santos, and i watch Vanessa cuss out Oscar outside the taqueria.

We could see her really going off. Oscar was just standing there smiling at her. And that really pissed her off.

"Oh fuck." Sad eyes mumbled as the new girl on the block walks up to Oscar. Shittt.

"Oh this is getting so good." I laughed as i took a bite out of my taco.

Vanessa's voice got louder once that bitch showed up.

Vanessa's pov

"Really? You're gonna call me mamas and baby but keep fucking around with other bitches." I start pushing on his chest. But he didnt go anywhere. And that really pissed me off.

I wanted him to fall on his ass. I wanted to drag the fuck outta this fool to the point where hair would start coming out of his bald ass head.

"Vanessa stop." Oscar said as he grabbed my hands.

"No! You are the one who needs to stop!" I started getting crazy. I am crazy.

Then Oscar whispered something to the girl and she walked inside. I wanted to fight her too. What makes her think she can look at me?

"Vanessa you broke up with me. Why are you so mad that im moving on?" He asks me.

"Because! I want you to fucking care about me! But you dont. And that really fucking hurts!" I say as i start to cry. I turned away from him as he sighed.

"Vanessa please dont cry." He said as he tried to hug me.

"Dont touch me." I yelled which made him jump and sigh.

"I know i fucked up Vanessa. But we were on bumpy road. It wasnt working out."

"Fuck you." I spit out as i glared at him. "Just because we were having problems gives you no right to cheat on me." I sniffled.

"Look I'm sorry."

"Stop apologizing! You act like it makes it okay." I shout as i continue to cry.

"Please stop." He frowns.

"Look. I dont care about who you're with anymore. But no matter what. I dont want my son to be calling some skank his mom. Understand?" I look at him as he raises his brow.

"I cant control what he says or does." Oscar frowns.

"Well i dont want none of your bitches thinking they can be Ryder's second mom. Cause if that happens im gonna cut your dick off and beat you and your bitch up with it until you die. Do you want your cause of death to be getting killed by a penis? Huh?" I ask as he shook his head.

"Damn. You crazy fool." He smiles.

"What makes you think you can smile at me?" I look at him as his smile went away.

"Where the fuck is my son?!" I yell as he pointed inside the Taqueria.

The new girl on the block was sitting in a booth with Ryder.

I glared at Oscar as i walked back inside.

I walk over to the table.

"Mommy!" Ryder cheered as he practically jumped into my arms.

"Hi baby." I smile as i held him tight.

"Hey i dont think we met yet." The girl sitting down said.

This was the bitch that Oscar was messin with.

I just glanced at her then looked back at Ryder. "Are you hungry baby?" I ask him as we walk over to the kitchen.

"Here you go little man." The cook smiled as he handed me the plate of tacos.

"Gracias." Ryder mumbled shyly as he smiled at Joseph.(i forgot his name so ima name him Joseph)

"Can you at least try and be nice to Valentina?" Oscar walked up to me.

"And why would i do that?" I look at him confused as we both watched Ryder pick at the carne asada.

"Because she did nothing to you." He said.

I laughed. "She was the one you cheated on me with." I say as he frowns.

"But she didnt know." He explains.

"I dont give a shit what she knows Oscar. She knows now and she still wants to be with you." I glare at him.

"Well mind your own business." He says folding his arms as he stared me down.

"I was trying to but you just love to get in the way." I smile at him as i get up from the table.

"Okay mijo i'll see you later okay?" I kiss Ryder's forehead as he continued to eat.

Ryder frowned at me as he jumped in my arms again.

"Te amo." He said to me as he gave me a peck on the lips. Aw i love him.

"Be good okay?" I look at him.

"Ok. Bye mama." He waved as he sat back down at his table.

Then i looked over at Oscar who just kept looking at me.

"Keep him safe bitch." I say before waving bye to everyone.


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