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Vanessa's pov

"Do you know what you are doing?" Oscar laughs as i try to cut an apple.

"Im scared." I squeal as Oscar just took the knife and started cutting the apple.

"Just cut the apple damn." He chuckled as he showed me how to cut it.

"Aren't you scared you are gonna lose your finger one day?" I ask as he shook his head.

"No. Im not a pussy." He mutters as he puts the slices in a cute bowl for Ryder to eat.

Today Ryder and i came to visit Oscar at his place.

"YO QUIERO MANZANAS!" Ryder squealed as he jumped on the couch.

This lil man is definitely Oscar's kid.

"Go stop your kid." I laugh.

We both watched as Ryder danced to the music of Coco on the tv.

Oscar just chuckled. "Nah fool thats your kid." He smiled. "You stayed dancing crazy. He inherited that shit from you."

I just laughed and nodded my head.

Ryder came to grab the bowl and then went back to sit on the couch to watch Coco for the 14th time.

Oscar and I just stayed in the kitchen.

"So are you and Armando friends?" I playfully nudge Oscar as i watched him cut another apple.

"Yeah. Is that okay with you?" He raised his brow at me.

"Yeah. That actually makes my life easy." I smile.

Oscar just nodded.

"Now i just need you to get along with Valentina." He smirked.

"Oh hell nah." I laughed. "You got me all the way fucked up!" I looked at him as he laughed.

"Im kidding. I know why you hate her. You have a right to." He says as he grabs the apple seeds.

"Hey homie!" Oscar shouted and Ryder quickly turned to look at Oscar.

"Are you ready to plant the tree?" Oscar asks as he shows Ryder the apple seeds.

"Yeah!" Ryder got up and ran to his daddy and looked at the seeds.

I just smiled at them.

"We will have mommy dig the hole." Oscar smiled at me causing me to give him a dirty look.

I rolled my eyes and walked outside with them.

"Hold onto those seeds." Oscar said to Ryder as he grabbed the shovel.

They were going to plant a apple tree in the front lawn.

Ryder had this big idea that once it grows that Oscar and the santos will have free apples and shade for when it's hot. Cause those guys stay in the front yard no matter what. Tsunami, storm, earthquake, purge those guys are gonna be unbothered on the front lawn smokin a fat one.

I watched as Oscar dug a deep ass hole.

"Okay mijo put them in." Oscar said all exhausted.

Ryder cheered as he gave one to me and oscar.

"Lets all put the seed." Ryder said as he got close to the hole.

"1,2,3." Oscar counted and on 3 we dropped the seeds in the hole. (UGHH MY STUPID LOW IQ ASS KEEPS TYPING WHOLE)

"Yay!" We all cheered as Oscar put the dirt back. 

We both knew that it wasnt gonna grow. But what kinda parents would we be to crush Ryder's dream.

"I love you." I say to Ryder as he cheered happily. He was so precious.

"Now we have to water it." I say as i grabbed the hose.

I turned on the water and then went to the 'tree' and watered it.

Then i got bored so i splashed Oscar.

I just giggled and backed away from him as he got mad. "Vanessa! You wanna play like that fool?" He said as he grabbed the hose.

"Nah. I dont want to play anymore." I whine as i ran away.

But he wet me.

"Mommy get him!" Ryder laughed.

"Oh you are on mommy's side?" Oscar gasped as he gently splashed Ryder as well.

Ryder and i were now running around the front yard screaming.

"Stop!" I laugh as i try to grab the hose from Oscar.

"No!" Oscar laughed.

I was soaking wet now.

Valentina's pov

I watched from across the street as Oscar and Vanessa acted like a family.

What the fuck?

That's when i got the phone call.

"Hello?" I said worried since i read the name.

"Well did we get rid of her and the little boy completely yet?" She yelled.

"No not exactly." I sighed as i watched as they ran from Ryder who now had the hose.

"Well get to it." She snapped.

*on the other side of phone*

"Do whatever it takes. They got another thing coming for them." I said with a smile plastered on my face.

I was vengeful.

"Okay Carmen. I'll do it." Valentina said before hanging up.


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