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(Its fucking crazy how much this song relates to these two hoes)

2 years later

Vanessa's pov

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Vanessa's pov

"I'm tired." I laugh as Armando continued to play with Ryder and Malachi.

They were playing with a soccer ball and insisted i joined.

But lets face it... I'm out of shape and old.

"Vienna wants to play

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"Vienna wants to play." I laughed as i watch my hyper two year old run into the front lawn to grab their soccer ball and then she ran off.

"Hey swiper. Thats our ball." Armando swept her off her feet and held her while he tickled her tummy.

She let out a giggle as she was being tickled.

"Hey got room for more star players?" Jacob and his girl came with their 3 year old daughter, Carissa.

"Oh my god can i see the baby." I squeal as Haley handed me their new addition to their family.

"Baby Anthony." I smiled as i held the new born.

"Armando i want another one." I pouted as i looked at his little face.

"I told you i wanted another one. But you said no." Armando came over to us to look at the baby.

"Well i change my mind." I laughed.

"Hold him for a solid hour and you'll change your mind again." Jacob groaned. "This baby cries nonstop."

"So did you when you were little. This is karma." I tease Jacob.

"Haha very funny. Where are my other sisters?" He questioned as i handed Anthony back to Haley.

"Inside." I smile at him as he gave me a hug. "Mom is inside too. She wants to see the baby."

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