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Vanessa's pov

"Chisme time!" Maya cheered as we all gathered around. We all came to my condo since Armando and Ryder wasn't here. We had privacy to talk shit.

"Girl hold up." Alisha gripped her wine glass and chugged the whole thing.

"Just like old times." Gianna and i both laughed as we filled our drinks.

"Okay im ready." Alisha sighed as she popped open a new bottle.

"So you guys know how that puta Jenny came out if nowhere." Alisha yelled.

"Yeah." I got all hyped up in my seat. "Why is she hanging out with the Santos?" I took a small sip from my cup.

"Well Vincent and i split up." Alisha spoke up.

Gianna and Maya been knew that. But because I'm never around anymore i was the last one to know.

"No fucking way! Why?"

"Because he's fucking stupid. He wants to act all distant with me and talk to other bitches. Im 26 now with a four year old. I don't got time nor patience to be playing these games. I wanna get settled down with someone serious even though im still young." Alisha ranted and honestly i couldn't have agreed more in my life.

"Yess!" I jumped in my seat with excitement. "I get how you feel!"

"I cant believe Vincent is dating Jenny now what the fuck!" Maya shook her head.

"Can we just talk about how much of a coincidence it is that Vanessa's new mans ex girlfriend is now dating Alisha's old man." Gianna laughed.

"And honestly i'm convinced that Vincent's bitch ass was talking to her even when we were still together." She shook her head.

"I swear if she tries getting back into Armando's life I'm beating her ass. Period."

"Honestly yall cute as fuck." Alisha smiled.

"I know what the fuck you look so happy." Gianna squealed.

"I am!" I started blushing like crazy.

"Like i know Armando and i haven't even been together for a complete year yet  but honestly im just Im so in love. The only time we fought was when Jenny showed up. And a couple days ago he was upset because we couldn't spend time together."

"Wow. I love you guys together." Maya smiled.

"How did you get Armando and Oscar to get along?" Gianna laughed as she refilled her glass.

"I didn't really do anything. Oscar kinda just became supportive. Which I'm so happy that he isn't one of those grumpy exes ya know? He's happy that I'm happy and when the time comes and he finds someone i'll be happy for him." I shrugged.

"Hmmm." Alisha smiled. "So you guys are really over?"

"Yeah and honestly i think we were meant to be in each others lives just not as a couple." I nodded slowly.

"Ohhh. Yeah you could be right."


I miss the cholo lovers

I miss the cholo lovers

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