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"Nice car." Armando smiled as he got in the passenger seat.

"Thank you." I smile as i looked in the back seat to see Ryder just staring at Armando curiously.

"Hey little man." Armando smiles as he tries to high five Ryder.

"Hi." He said shyly as he high fives him back.

"Hes adorable." Armando said to me as i started the car.

"He got it from me." I said jokingly.

"I can see that." Armando said as he looked back at Ryder then at me.

I blushed as i started driving to Javier's taqueria.

"Is the food good here?" He smiled as i nodded my head.

"Ryder loves it here. I used to work here too." I smiled as i parked the car.

Then we got out the car and went inside.

We sat in a booth far away from the rest of the people. Of course Javier was working today so he walked up to me with the biggest smirk on his face.

Please god dont let him say anything stupid.

"Hey bitch." Javier smiled as he playfully nudged me.

"Hey." I smile at him then watched as he looked at Armando.

"Is this your boyfriend?" He questions and my eyes grew big.

"No." I laugh as Armando just smiled at Javier.

"Nahh she's way to beautiful to date a guy like me." Armando said and Javier shook his head.

"Oh please. Shes a little overrated." He mumbled and i just smacked him with the menu.

"Go get us tacos and shut up."

Then Armando and i just continued talking.

"So how old is the little man?" He questioned as we watched Ryder doodle (thats a funny word hehe) on a piece of paper.

"He is 5." I smile as i kiss the top of his head.

"Did he get his curls from his dad?"

"I have no idea where he got the curly hair." I laugh. "My ex was bald." I shrugged as i ate my taco.

"Maybe he had curly hair we just dont know." He shrugged.

"Yeah you could be right." I smile as i felt Ryder kiss my cheek.

"So what happened with you and his dad?"

"Well... we got together 5 years ago. But a couple months ago he cheated on me with the new bitch on the block so i broke up with him." I laugh.

"Oh shit." His eyes grew wide.

"Yeah. So i broke off the relationship and focused on being a model again. Then i moved across town so i wouldnt run into him." I explained as i drank my horchata.

"Wow." He said as i nodded.

"Well good for you." He clapped his hands as i just laughed.

"Yeah. What about you?" I look up at him.

"Well my whole family is involved with that gang life. And i almost was too but i just saw so many lived ones get killed off that i just didn't see the point." He sighed. Then he stopped eating.

"Whats wrong?" I frown.

"I had a sister named Josephine. She was just 10. My poor baby got shot 2 times and she was just playing with her toys outside." He said as he held back his tears.

"Im so sorry." I pouted. Fuck i feel bad.

"Its okay. I dont really talk about it." He sighs. "After that i got blamed for her death by the whole family." He sighed.

"What why?"

"I guess because i didnt save her... how was i supposed to know?" He shook his head.

"It wasn't your fault." I frown as i got up from my seat and went to hug him.

"Yes it was. I should've protected her." He rubbed his face.

"You didnt know what was happening." I sigh as i held him tight. I dont even care that we just met.

I felt him hug me back.

"I went through a dark time where i just wanted to take my own life. My family disowned me. I had nobody. But i felt like i needed to live on for Josephine." He mumbled. "So i left and moved here and became a personal trainer." He said.

"Well im proud of you. Even though we just met you still got me and Ryder." I smile as we both look at Ryder who was eating the chips with guacamole.



But damn.

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