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Vanessa's pov

"I cant believe i ran a mile. Are you proud of me?" I smile as i drank my water.

"We didnt run a mile. It was more like around the block." Armando laughed.

"Same thing." I shrugged.

Armando just chuckled as we walked back into the gym.

"Okay ready?" He questions as i nod my head.

He was going to teach me how to defend myself. Especially since that one night where someone was following me. Now that i have Ryder i need to protect the both of us.

"Mommy i dont want to go!" Ryder cried as i took him out of his car seat.

"I know you dont baby." I frown as he ran into Armando's arms.

"Dont let her take me inside." He cried in Armando's arms.

"Its okay Ryder." Armando rubbed his back as we walked inside the doctors.

He was getting a check up but he also needed to get one of his shots.

"You are gonna be fine baby." I pout as Armando tried calming him down.

Then as we waited for Ryder's turn he ended up falling asleep in Armando's arm.

"He hates doctors huh?" Armando mumbled.

"He is just like his dad." I shake my head as the doctor called his name.

We all got up and followed her to the room.

Now Ryder was wide awake and he was freaking out.

"You're gonna be okay." Armando smiled. "You are a tough man okay?" He whispered to Ryder.

Then as the doctor was doing the checkup she was telling us everything was good. "Okay now we just need to give him his Tdap shot and then we are done." She said and Ryder jumped once he heard shot.

"You did it!" Armando cheered as he held Ryder on the walk back to the car.

Ryder squealed and gave Armando a high five.

"Mommy give me a high five!" Ryder cheered and i just smiled as i gave him a high five.

"I love you." I smiled as Armando put him in his car seat.

"Okay since you conquered your fear you get to decide where we go." I said as Ryder and Armando smiled at each other.

"The park!" He cheered.

"Weeee." Armando said as he went down the little kid slide.

I couldnt stop laughing. Watching a very manly man go down a slide was so amusing to me.

"You are so childish. Now push me on the swing i cant reach the floor." I say as i sit on the swing.

"You are so tiny i thought you were a kid." Armando laughed as he started pushing me.

"Shut up." I laugh as he continued to push me.

Then we watched over in the distance Ryder making friends with little girls his age.

"Thats my son." I say proudly.

Armando just shook his head and stopped pushing me.

"Okay im done pushing you." He said as he sat down on the grass.

"Wow thats it?" I laugh as i say next to him.

"Yeah you tired me out." He joked as he laid his head on my lap.

Then we watched Ryder ran over to us.

"Mama!" He cheered as he ran over and sat next to us.

"Hi baby." I smile.

"Can we play tag?" He asked and Armando was quick to stand up.

Then he poked me.

"Mommy is it!" Armando yelled as both of them started running away from me.



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