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Armando's pov

"You know she doesn't love you." Jenny laughed.

"Yes she does." I glared at her as i went to pick up the bag full of Malachi's stuff.

"Hi." Vanessa walked in with the biggest smile on her face.

"Hi." Jenny faked being nice.

"You guys ready?" Vanessa picked up Malachi.

"Yeah." I smiled at her.

"So when are you leaving Armando?" Jenny questioned causing me to shoot her a glare.

"Leave for what?" Vanessa questioned as she set down Malachi so he can play with Ryder.

"Ohhh." Jenny laughed. "Your husband didnt tell you?"

"Tell me what?" She crossed her arms as she stared at me.

"When were you going to tell her Armando?" Jenny looked at me.

"Tell me what?" Vanessa raised her voice.

I let out a sigh and looked at my baby as she just glared at me but i could see the hint of worry in her. She crosses her arms a lot and bites on her bottom lip a lot.

"Baby..." i walked up to her.

"Just tell me. Whats going on?" She started getting frustrated as she backed up.

"I'm being deployed next month."

"Deployed? For what?" She looked at me confused.

"He's in the army dumbass." Jenny glared at her.

"Was i talking to you?" Vanessa glared at her as she went to take the kids out of Jenny's apartment.

"Cmon babies." Vanessa put them in my car.

"Baby." I said quietly as i set the bags in the trunk.

"So you're in the military?" Vanessa sighed.

"Yeah." I spoke quietly. I watched as she got in the car.

I also jumped in and drove towards the taqueria.

"So when were you going to tell me? Or was i just supposed to read your mind?" She sniffled.

"Vanessa dont cry baby." I held her hand as she rejected it.

"No dont Vanessa me, Armando." She shouted. "Why didnt you tell me you were in the army?"

"Because i was afraid to." I let out a deep sigh.

She shook her head as she stared at her lap.

"Jenny and i broke up because she wanted a man to be there for her 24/7. So she left me." I pouted at the road ahead of me.

"So when i came back last year i got a job as a personal trainer because i didn't know how long it was going be until my next deployment." I explained.

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