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Vanessa's pov

After i took pictures with Oscar and Ryder i then took pictures with Armando and Ryder.

"You look so cute in a button up." I said as i admired my boyfriend.

"Thank you bebé." Armando blushed as he pecked my lips.

We were just minding our own business.

Oscar's pov

Eww dont they realize they are in public. Nasty ass mofos.

"Shouldn't have cheated asshole." Ruby said as he sat at my table.

I gave him a dirty look as he glares at me.

"Watch who you're talking to." I say as i take chug my beer.

"Well he is looking at you." I heard Jamal mumble as he walked past our table.

Smart ass.

I was getting looks from everyone.

I ignored it because im not here for them. Im here for Ryder.

"Hey babe am i late?" Valentina showed up.

"No you're good." Is all i said as i watched Ryder play with kids his age.

"How old is he again?" She asks.

"He's five." Ruby said with attitude.

"Aw." Valentina smiled.

Then the unexpected thing happened.

"Hey." Vanessa said with a light smile.

"Hi." I say caught off guard.

"Hey im Armando." Her boyfriend introduced himself as he held out his hand.

"Oscar." Is all i said as i shook his hand.

"We are ready to cut the cake if you're ready." Vanessa says as she held onto Armando's arm.

"Yeah." I say as Ryder ran up to me and jumped into my arms.


But i was happy to know that she was happy.

2 weeks later

Vanessa's pov

"Vanessa." I heard Armando say from the bathroom.

"Coming." I say as i turn off the stove. We was eating good tonight.

I walked into Ryder's room where both of my boys were.


"Did you know about this?" He asks as he lifts up Ryder's shirt showing a bruise on his back.

He just came back from Oscar's today.

"Ryder who did this to you baby?" I kneeled down.

He was quiet.

"Baby you have to tell me." I cross my arms.

Then he let out a small sigh. "Valentina hit me. But she said sorry." He said and i tried mot to cry. Ugh my sensitive ass.

That shit was way too bruised.

"Come on we are going." I say as i grabbed my car keys.

"Where we going?" Armando questioned as he picked up Ryder.

"We are going to Oscar's." I say.

Once we showed up i carried Ryder and Armando was behind me.

"Wheres Valentina?" I question as all the guys just look at me.

Then she walked outside.

I walked up to her. "I know you're hitting Ryder." I accuse her and she was PRETENDING.


"Vanessa what are you talking about?" Oscar groaned as he walked up to us.

Then i showed everybody the bruise on Ryder's back.

"He said this puta did it." I glared at Valentina.

Ughh i wanted to do such illegal things to her. But i kinda dont wanna get locked up. I wouldnt last.

"Hmmm. Well it wasnt me." Valentina shrugged.

"Vanessa you cant just accuse her of doing something." Oscar scratched the back of his neck.

"Well im gonna bitch." I yell at both of them as i hand Ryder to Armando.

I turned around to face Armando. "Can you take him to the car please bebe?" I said all sweet and shit before turning back to them.

"Ryder is your son! Do you not care if he gets hurt?" I ask as he glares at me.

"I do care Vanessa. But you dont really got proof." He shrugged.

"Ryder saying it was enough for me. Kids dont lie about shit like this Oscar." I explain.

I swear this dude is high or something.



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