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|Bakugou's POV|

I was walking to school when I made it to the intersection-thingy. There I saw [Y/N]. He looked at me for a second before looking away and continuing to walk. What? Is he really going to be that dedicated to pissing me off? What a jerk. I continued to walk to school, as well. Ugh, there's that stupid pain again! Is this some kind of medical issue? What the hell.

Once I make it to school I see [Y/N] walk right past shitty hair. What's up with him? Anyway, Kirishima walks up to me "Yo, bro, what's up with [Y/N]?" He asks, looking at me with wonder. I shrug "Hell if I know.". Kirishima nods "I heard somethin' happened yesterday, what's up?" He asks, motioning random shit with his hands. "Oh, well [Y/N] really pissed me off and now he won't talk to me." I say "Alright... What's up with you? Have you been ok?" He asks "Duh. But there's this stupid-ass pain about where my heart is, and also all the other feelings I told you before." I say. Kirishima is a person who I tell almost everything, knowing he knows how to keep his mouth shut when it comes to me.
He then begins to laugh "What?" I ask, annoyed. He sighs "You are so madly in love, bro." he mutters. My face feels really hot all of the sudden "No! Fuck off." I grunt. He puts his hands up deafeningly "Just stating the obvious," he says. I scoff and shove my hands in my pants pocket. "You won't actually know you like [Y/N] unless you go for it," Kirishima says, shrugging and readjusting his bag strap. Like hell I would 'go for it'.

Suddenly the bell rings and Kirishima utters a 'cya'' and runs off. I scoff. In the distance, I see [Y/N] lazily stumble his way in the front doors. For some reason, I have the instinct to catch up to him. I'm almost running when I'm finally by his side. The bastard doesn't even spare me a glance before turning into the classroom and sitting down. I plop into my seat and lean into my chair, my pupils stuck on  [Y/N]. I can't look away no matter how hard I try. This absolute piece of human garbage waltz into my life and thinks it's ok to take control of me like this? Hell the fuck no.

Randomly in the middle of class [Y/N] looks at me, a hint of sorrow and... hatred(?) in his eyes. What's with the glare? A person can't go from liking someone unconditionally to hating them, so what's the deal. I furrow my eyebrows at him and he visibly sighs, looking away. My heart drops. The hell. He looks so fucking disappointed and sad.?.. I feel so conflicted, so... attacked. My actions haven't bothered him before, so why the hell now?

|[Y/N]'s POV|

Bakugou glares at me. When is he going to drop it? I take a sharp sigh and look away, trying my hardest to pay attention to the uncharismatic teacher that stands in front of I and my classmates.

The entire class I can feel Bakugou's eyes burning through the back of my skull. As if he was trying to murder me using his gaze and his gaze only. When the bell finally rings I'm immediately up and out of the room. I can't really go talk to Kirishima or the others like usual, because Bakugou will no doubt be with them, so instead I go to talk with Midoriya. He and I don't talk often, but it is implied that he an I are pretty good friends.

When I finally see the familiar mop of green, fluffy hair, I make my way towards it. Once I reach Midoriya, I stand ominously behind him for a decent amount of time, pondering on how I should greet him. Finally, I reach out and put my hand on his shoulder, uttering a loud enough to hear "Yo". It wasn't as elegant as I had hoped, but it certainly got his attention. Midoriya spun around and looked at me with wide eyes, preparing to get into a fighting stance, with a startled yelp overlapping his actions. He looked at me for a few seconds before finally calming down "H-Hi," he murmured, his breath shallow. I chuckle softly "Sorry for scarin' you," I apologize. He shakes his head "N-No no! It's fine! Uhm, is there anything you need?" He asked hesitantly. I shrugged "Meh, I can't hang out with the bakusquad at this very moment, so I decided to come to you!" I say. He smiles gently "Ah, uhm, ok.." he mutters.

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