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|[Y/N]'s POV|

The rest of the day went by smoothly, not too much done and little training. Bakugou wasn't too pleased with this, but other than that, it was all good. After the final bell rang I walked out with Bakugou, gazing at him. "What're you looking at, dickwad?" Bakugou scoffed, furrowing his eyebrows, not even sparing me a glance. "Aw, kitty, don't be rude!~" I say, putting my arm around his shoulder and smirking at him "I'm just looking at the cutest in the world~" I coo, not taking my eyes off him. He removes my arm from him, glaring at me with a red face "I'm not fucking cute." He says, letting go of my arm "That's what you think." I add, continuing to walk.

Bakugou decides to side-glare me the entire walk back to our places. Bakugou soon enough made a sharp turn and walked to his house which wasn't too far away. I turn to walk back to my place, sighing and letting my poster laze.

|Bakugou's POV|

When I make it inside my house I immediately go into my room and slam the door, flopping onto my bed. I glare at the ceiling. Fucking [Y/N]! Thinks he can just be all flirty with ME? I'm not having it. I sit up and instead glare at a wall. [Y/N] is a complete asshole! I hate him. No matter how much Kirishima tells me, I will never like him.

Soon enough I calm down and change out of my uniform into more casual wear. After that, I grab my phone and just relax. Well, try to, anyway. But then I get a text from the asshole himself asking if he wanted to go out for food or some shit. I tell him to fuck off and that's that.

After that, I've been riled up again! What I'm feeling is true hatred, anger. My face and ears feel hot, my throat clogged and warm, my heart beating fast as a fluttery feeling fills my stomach. I'm pissed, obviously!

To relax, I turn off my phone and lay on the bed, closing my eyes. I don't want to sleep, but it's supposed to be calming. Stupid, right? Anyway, I can't fucking keep [Y/N] out of my head! His stupid smirk and his stupid [E/C] eyes... They always make me feel those things, and it obviously means I hate him.

Those feelings are uncomfortable, and so they're bad feelings.

|[Y/N]'s POV|

Bakugou said that he didn't want to come. Well actually, he told me to "fuck off", but I'm sure he meant it in a friendly way.

Anyways, because of that, I'm sitting at a coffee shop with a bunch of cream and a bunch of sugar put in the coffee that sits in the mug before me. To make Bakugou feel somewhat bad I take a pic of me alone in the coffee shop and send it to him, "I'm so lonelyyy... :(" as the caption.

|Bakugou's POV|

My phone buzzes and lets out its little notification jingle thing or whatever the fuck it is. I sit up and reach for my phone, pulling it closer. I turn it on and it's from [Y/N]... It's just a picture of him alone at a table in a coffee shop from what I can tell. I look at the caption. ... What? He's lonely? Well, poor fucking him! Augh I'm getting those feelings again... Yet there's this stinging pain in my heart. It doesn't feel nice... I guess I just really hate him for that... I reply with another "fuck off", except this time it's a bit more aggressive. "I said fuck off."

The texting sign showed up and I felt excited, like I wanted to see what he had to say. Ew, gross... After a while, I realized the texting sign had gone away and he'd gone offline. He... didn't respond? He hasn't ever done that. With my previous message, he at least responded with "k"! Well, shit, guess I actually got what I wanted. The pain in my heart has gotten more apparent...

Besides all that shit I'm tired and don't feel like I'm going to be entertained for the next few hours, so maybe sleeping could help. I lay down and pull the covers over myself, closing my eyes and drifting to sleep.

|[Y/N]'s POV|

"I said fuck off"... Wow, welp, looks like someone doesn't like my company. I was just about to respond with my usual "k", but as it seemed, he probably didn't want any of my company at all... Whatever he'll get over it eventually. I close the app before turning off my phone and sighing, welp, I don't wanna let this coffee go to waste.

I take the mug in my hands and down the whole drink, turns out it's now cold. The feeling and taste of cold coffee streaming down my throat was... uncomfortable - to say the least. Nonetheless, I drank the entire thing and placed the mug back on the table, letting out a satisfied sigh.

Getting up I push in my chair and leave the mug for the people who work there to clean up. I walk out into the open world and glance around for a second. It's nice. I continue to walk in the direction of my home, looking around myself calmly.

On the way home I saw a few familiar faces but didn't have the tendency to go up and start a conversation.

Once I make it home I change my clothes and get a soda from the fridge, heading back to my room. I get my laptop and unfold it, putting in my password and looking through random things. I either binge watch youtube, or explore the internet, like doing a quiz to see what kind of dog I am.

I look outside and see that it's dark. Speaking of which I noticed my eyelids drooping. I close my laptop and pull my covers over myself, closing my eyes and trying to focus on sleeping, which I end up successfully doing.

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