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I sigh, opening my eyes for the second time. Side glancing the alarm clock I see that it's 5:40 AM. I groan and rub my eyes, sitting up. Stretching my arms out I groan quietly, a yawn following. Another day of school, which is ok. I'm not dying.

The sun peaks through my blinds just enough to be annoying. How wonderful. I swing my feet over the side of my bed and get up, letting my tired posture dull. I grab my towel and go to the bathroom.

Once there I turn on the water, warm water always suffices. I place the towel on the toilet seat and begin to strip. After I've removed my clothing I pathetically kick them into the corner of the bathroom. I put my hand in the shower, feeling the temperature of the water, and yup, it's warm.

Getting into the shower I take out a shallow breath, the feeling of my tired body being smothered in water.

After fully cleansed I turn off the shower and get out, grabbing my towel and drying my hair. Then I dry the rest of my body and dress in the uniform. I leave the buttons of my white shirt undone. I leave the blazer unbuttoned, as well, as I hate feeling constricted.

Then I brush my teeth, fix my hair, and make my way to the kitchen. I put two blueberry eggos into the toaster and make myself back to my bedroom. I unplug my phone and shove it into my pant pocket, putting homework into my bag. I throw my bag over my shoulder and flick the light switch, turning the lights off.

I walk back to the kitchen where I see my waffles. I grab them and take a bite from one of the waffles as I slip on my sneakers, leaving the front door and locking it behind me.

I pulled out my phone and checked the time "6:30" I mutter to myself.

When I arrive at the school I look throughout the scenery, sighing and continuing my walk. Soon enough I'm stopped from people. I turn around and see the Bakusquad. "Oh, hey guys!" I exclaim, looking at them. Kirishima smiled at me "Hey, dude!" he exclaims. Denki waves and Sero does the same. Mina gives out a happy "Hello!" before immediately leaving for different friends. Sero left as well so it was just me, Kirishima, and Denki. We talked about random things for a while.

Suddenly I heard a familiar call. I looked over and saw the ash blonde approaching, his crimson eyes piercing through my soul. "Hey, kitten~" I greet, crossing my arms and smirking. "Hi, dumbass." He greets back, obviously disturbed from the pet name. "Yo, bro!" Kirishima happily greets "Hey," Denki greets as well.

Bakugou stands next to me and listens to the conversation I and the other two were involved in. Then the bell rang and Kirishima was the first to run off, Denki following him. I look at Bakugou sweetly, walking off with him.

When we make it to the class we see Aizawa struggling to get out of his sleeping bag. I take a seat and Bakugou sits next to me, glaring at me. I look back at Bakugou in a dreamy manner. After a moment I send him a wink. He blushes and looks away, furrowing his eyebrows.

|Bakugou's POV|

I glared at [Y/N] like I normally do. It's an easy way to cover up that I'm staring at him. And no, I'm not staring at him because I like him. I'm doing it for research. What kind of research? Fuck you.

[Y/N] looked back at me, except it looked more like he was gazing at his crush, which made me uncomfortable. Soon enough he smirked and winked at me. That motherfucker! I can feel my face heating up as I turned away and furrowed my eyebrows, sighing,

|Time Skip|

I walk towards the lunch hall, my hands in my pockets as I gaze around the halls. "Wait up, kitty!" I hear from behind me. I scoff and slow down, allowing the [H/C] haired male to catch up to me. "Hello~" He greets "Hi." I respond "Aw, no insults?~" "Fucker." "There we go.". I fucking hate this guy.

[Y/N] begins to ramble on about random things. I swear to god this guy's so fucking annoying... Suddenly he puts his arm around my shoulder, the topic changing. I fidget uncomfortably, my face warming up. My throat feels warm and clogged as a fluttery feeling sits in my stomach as if I were a box people put butterflies in which were dying to get out.

The tall male beside me looked at me, I couldn't let him see me like this... I pulled myself from his grasp and sped walked the other way, not allowing him to get a good look at my face. I turn back slightly to see [Y/N]. He was looking my direction before turning to enter the lunch hall.

I continued to walk 'til I reached the end of the hall. Sighing, I lean against the wall and close my eyes, feeling myself calm down. What an asshole. Thinks he can just make me feel that way and get away with it. Fuck him.

Once I calm down I tilt my head up and see only a few people in the hallways. I trot back down to the lunch room and enter, glossing my eyes over the prospect, seeing familiar faces I go over and sit at the table beside [Y/N] like I normally do. "Hey, kitten~" [Y/N] greets. I blush at the pet name. Even though he calls me it all the time I can't help but feel weird about it. Everyone else greets me in their usual ways and everyone resumes their conversation as I lean my head on my hand and look around the lunch hall. Gross.

|[Y/N]'s POV|

I glanced over at Bakugou who was looking over the area. There was a bunch of chattering, but all that was drowned by the chattering coming from the table I was sitting in. I'm still kinda confused why Bakugou just walked off earlier, but he's here now so... I think everything's good?

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