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|Bakugou's POV|

I wake up to the feeling of warm breath rolling over my neck. Letting out a groan, I reposition myself, attempting to avoid the breathing. In the end, I sigh and push myself up, looking over [Y/N] softly. He lets out a small sigh and shifts to another position. Ugh... I look around the room. I'm straddling [Y/N] as he's laying on the couch with his head resting on the arm rest. I yawn and move as swiftly as possible, getting off of [Y/N] and heading to the front entry, grabbing the bags and bringing them to the kitchen. [Y/N] had already brought everything that needed to be refrigerated, but for some god damn reason he didn't take all the bags.

Not too much later I hear a groan, and movement of the sofa. I sigh and close the cabinet where I had just finished putting a box of cereal away. I walked back to the living room to see [Y/N] sitting on the couch and looking around. Once he notices me he smirks lovingly and rises from the couch, walking over and wrapping his arms around my waist, laying his head on my hair. I hesitantly wrapped my hands around him, cherishing the moment.

Suddenly, [Y/N] releases me and walks to the kitchen. I go to the couch and sit on it, sighing once more. [Y/N] returns with two bowls of cereal, and two glasses of juice. He's balancing it weirdly, as to not spill it everywhere. When he reaches the living room he sets everything on the coffee table and winks at me "Only the best service for my love~". My face heats up and I nod, not having any energy to reply. He plops beside me and nudges me "What's up?" He asks. I groan and lay my head on his shoulder "tired..." I mutter. He nods and reaches for his cup, sipping the contents.

It didn't take long for [Y/N] to finish his food. Once he finished he shifted slightly and pulled me onto his chest. I groaned and closed my eyes.

|[Y/N]'s POV|

Bakugou lay on my chest willingly. He wrapped his arms around my neck and hid his face in the crook of my neck. "Taking advantage of the love, eh?" I tease. He grunts "Fuck you..." "Actually, I'll be the one fucking you pretty soon~" I whisper. He tenses, scoffing. I smile, holding him tighter.

After a bit of this, Bakugou pushed himself off of me and kisses me. I almost instantly kiss back. We stay like this for a moment or two before he pulls away, looking at me with soft eyes. "What's gotten into you?" I chuckle. He groans and continues to stare at me "Shut up..." he murmurs. "You're so cute..." I utter. His face flushes a sweet pink as he grunts and lays his head in the crook of my neck. "It's true~" I coo, rubbing his back gently. His breath shudders as he holds me tighter.

"I think I've come to the conclusion on why you're so loving right now." I state, looking down at him. He grunts, loosening his grip on me "It's because you've loved me for sooo long, and these are just compressed actions you've been dying to do~". Bakugou pushes off of me again so he could glare at me "Fuck off." he scoffs, laying back down. I hum softly, continuing to rub his back.

After a few minutes I notice Bakugou was slightly trembling. "H-Hey, what's wrong?" I ask softly, looking down at him. He grunts, holding me tighter. In a second I feel my shirt begin to get damp. Is he legitimately crying? This- woah- this is a once in a life time occurrence. "Aww, kitten..." I mutter, holding him tighter. "If you're comfortable, I kind of want to know what's bothering you..." I say quietly. He looks up at me, glaring at me like usual. "Don't fucking do that again." He says sternly, taking in a sharp breath. "Do what again?" I ask, looking at him lovingly. "Leave!" I he grunts, pushing off of me. My eyes widen "Wait- wasn't that what you wanted?" I ask, honestly confused. His glare intensifies "You really are an idiot." he grunts, leaning back in. I chuckle quietly "Ah, sorry, you must've thought I hated you..." I say, realizing how he might've felt. Damn, I guess in the moment I was so confused so I just pushed him away. Note to self, don't do that again.

We sit for what seems like an hour before I sit up and kiss his forehead. His face flushes once more and he pulls away, wiping his face. I rise to get a different shirt, and Bakugou follows. We make it to my room and I quickly change shirts, feeling Bakugou stare at my back. "Watcha lookin' at?" I say, smiling. "The bruises." He utters. Ahm... Right. "Oh, right, forgot I had those!" I say, chuckling. "Jeez, you seem to not care about that time in your life at all." Bakugou says, sighing. "I don't know why I don't if I'm being honest with you" I respond, turning around to face Bakugou who was laying on the bed. He nods "Course you don't".


I might've gotten him sick

is he showing any signs of sickness?


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