[NBin] Separation Issues

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"Separation Issues"

[Morning, Kong-ah!] 7:00am.

[Are you awake yet?] 7:20am.

[Did you play games all night again?] 8:10am.

[Don't stay up too late!] 8:30am.

Message read. 12:00pm.

Hongbin looked at his phone with displeasure as he finally opened his eyes by noon. He didn't fall asleep until almost five in the morning and as he was just about to fall deep into slumber, he kept hearing his phone vibrate nonstop with messages. He read the messages sent earlier in the morning through his lock screen notifications and didn't bother to reply to any of them because it was way too early to care, even if those messages were from his leader.

"If you care so much about me, you shouldn't have moved," Hongbin said to his phone finally scrolling back at Hakyeon's messages. He wanted to reply but he wasn't in the mood to do so.

He was still in the midst of sulking.

No one really knows and Hongbin is very good at acting as if he didn't care but it's been months since their leader have moved out and still, Hongbin could not get used to it.

Hakyeon's room was still in one place and he does occasionally come back to visit the members or stop by at night. Each time Hakyeon did come back, the first thing he does is whine about the fact that neither Taekwoon or Hongbin have come over to his apartment to visit yet.

It wasn't as if Hongbin wasn't curious about the kind of place Hakyeon chose to live alone but he was disappointed that the older would move out so suddenly without consulting to any of them in detail. Hakyeon insisted on moving out and when he did, the time they spent together or seeing each other grew less. Aside from the younger members, Taekwoon have also started living with his parents as well. So, in the end, the dorms were left with only three people - Jaehwan, Hongbin, and Hyuk, since Wonshik rarely came home in the first place.

It wasn't as if Hongbin was fully against Hakyeon living alone and he could understand why the oldest would want to eventually move out, but wasn't it a bit too early?

Hongbin grunted once more and tossed his phone on his bed while stomping into the kitchen for lunch.

Bzz. Bzz.

[Make sure you eat properly.] 12:40pm from N-hyung.

"Ugh!!" Hongbin shouted to himself. Every single one of Hakyeon's messages were driving him nuts.

"Hyung, I can hear you all the way from my room," Hyuk peeked into the kitchen.

"I can hear you from inside the inside of Hyogi's room too," Jaehwan poked his head inside as well.

"I know Hakyeon-hyung isn't here to complain but you should think of our neighbors. They're going to complain about the noise level again and this time, we won't have Hakyeon-hyung to go apologizing to them about it," Hyuk lectures.

"Tell that to Jaehwan-hyung. He's louder than me," Hongbin said and glared at the oldest at the dorms at the moment.

"Aww~ then we'll just call Hakyeon-hyung to come back and apologize for us!" Jaehwan said jokingly. "I miss Hakyeon-hyung."

Jaehwan let out a sigh.

"That's why we're going over there now, since you keep complaining about it," Hyuk said to Jaehwan.

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