Part 11: Day 45 out of 365

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"Happy Valentines Day, Baby!" Aysia screamed as she walked through the bedroom door with breakfast in hand. "I got you a breakfast steak, 2 eggs over easy, pancakes topped with fresh strawberries, blueberries & whip cream with a side of hash brown & freshly squeezed OJ! She smiles brightly as she places the food down in his lap & softly pecks his lips. Kordell returns the kiss. "Thank you, baby girl. I have plans for us today, get packed and ready babe." Aysia slowly walks towards the bathroom with a look of curiosity on her face. She didn't bother to ask what he had planned cause he wouldn't tell her, when he planned a surprised he would not budge or drop hints.
   Kordell finished his breakfast while Aysia showered, once he finished he got her bags packed for her, knew exactly what she needed and what she'd take for this trip. As she got herself together he started to load up the car. "I wonder what he has up his sleeve cause I told him I didn't want nothing." She said to herself. Once she got herself together & ready to go she packed a small bag of her personals plus a camera just in case it was a major trip. Kordell hollers for her to hurry up before they missed their ride. Aysia rushes down the steps and grabs her purse off the side table before heading out to the car. "Don't holler at me, we gon have a problem." She smiles as puts on her seatbelt and softly kisses his lips. "You ready?" He says as he pulls out the driveway, going 10 over the speed limit to make it on time to the Airport.
   Meanwhile in Tyler's household...
Tyler had been up all night over looking Mia as she slept, in his hand their was a 9mm. His finger was already on the trigger, he wanted to take her out for bringing hell to his life & attempting to take Aysia's dad out. He ran his fingers through his hair before sliding the gun under the pillow as he slid out of the bed to take a hot shower and clear his mind. He was no longer happy all because he decided to give his attention to another female which led to Aysia being neglected and she found time with someone else. Tyler knew shit could only get worse from her especially since Mia is back to claim the life she swears that Aysia stole from her. He needed to get rid of her but how?
    He finishes up his shower before Mia woke up to disturb the little peace he did have. After getting dressed he headed downstairs with his phone in hand, he takes a seat on the couch and pulls up Aysia's contact & stares at it for a moment before typing out his feelings: "Aysia LeAnn Amour Lascano, I know I messed up but cutting time short and putting my attention towards things I thought were more important but I was wrong. I'm not happy here with Mia, she makes my life miserable & I'm sorry that she tried to take your dad out. I just need you back in my life. If I can't have you then no one can Aysia, come back home."**
    He sends it with no hesitation and lays back with his hands on his head as if he was frustrated, Mia was coming down the stairs and noticed his frustration. "What's wrong baby?" She slightly tilted her head as she makes her way over to sit in his lap and he stops her. "I'm not in the mood.." he points her to the other side of the couch. "What the hell is your deal this morning..?" She frowns as she makes herself comfortable on the couch next to him.
  "Nothing just got a lot on my mind, that's all." He sighs softly. "I'm just not happy with you, you come here fucking lives up as if someone owes you something! They don't! They weren't ready to be parents so they made sure you had a family that would love you unconditionally & that just wasn't enough for you!? Then you come here after you KILLED your adoptive parents off just to come over here and kill Aysia off to have her life which you will never have, you dumb ass bitch." Tyler throws a pillow at her aggressively as he gets up, grabbing his keys off the table as he heads out to his car. He calls his ex father law and tells him how he wants to take Mia out.
         Will Tyler go through it & will Aysia's dad help?

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