Chapter 8

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The Fallen Angel saw Isalia faint, he stared at her neighbor's body, he knew exactly who did this. Hecate has awoken and she wants her demon back.

-Two hours earlier-

Everything starts to crack. The stones start to break into tiny little pieces and there standing is Hecate and the rest of the demons and hellhounds.
"Those assholes betrayed me how dare they, After everything I did to them! Dip, I have a mission for you." Hecate smirked evilly at her Hellhound. Dip is an evil, black, hairy dog, an emissary of the Devil, who sucks people's blood.

Isalia/Karayan POV

"Is she going to wake up soon?" I hear a male voice speaking to someone. Were they talking about me? Wait that's a stupid question I'm obviously the only chick here... right?

"I don't know! Does it look like I am a fucking doctor?" another male voice spoke up that sounded like Eric. Can these two idiots shut up!

"We need to wake her up. Someone taze her or smack her or spill water on her." Another guy says. Fuck how many dudes are there in my room- wait what! Taze me? Smack me? Hell- wait Fuck no!
"No one is going to hurt her or wake her up, we just need to be patient do I make myself clear, Fallen Angel?" He says sternly.
"Yes, Azazel but I do have a name. It's-"
"I know what it is, Phenex."
Okay I need to wake up before they try anything!
"Hey look she's moving guys!"
I groan and start to open my eyes, at first it's bright as fuck and I blink a couple of times and I see Eric, Azazel, Kyro and The fallen angel aka Phenex staring back at me. I look around and didn't see my neighbor's body or any blood on the floor I quickly sit up and I guess Azazel knew what I was going to ask because he beat me to it.

"Phenex, here took care of the body and-" Phenex cuts off Azazel.

"And I took care of your other neighbors memories." He sits next to me, putting his arm around me and giving me a flirty smile but then gets yanked up by Azazel.

"Stay away from her, Phenex. What is a Fallen Angel doing here, did Hecate sent you?"

Phenex scoffs," No I came here to visit Isalia which by the way I need to talk to her privately so please leave us alone." I rolled my eyes and stood up

I asked," Where is the body? Why was there a dead body in my fucking apartment!" They all looked at each other hesitating whether or not to tell me.

I yelled," Answer me or I swear-"

Azazel said," Hecate has awaken and left you a warning." I feel the whole room spin I fell back on the couch and my heart starts to pound fast. She's back, she wants me, she will kill my family and friends.

"She is coming for us and I will make sure she will kill those you love and I will enjoy every second of it." Karayan laughed evilly.

My whole body starts to shake, Eric quickly comforts me but it's not working for me, I need to go with my family and protect them. I quickly get up and grabbed my keys.

"Where are you going, Isalia?" Kyro blocks the door.

"I have a gut feeling that my other friends are in trouble so get the fuck out of my way!" I glared up at him

He glares back," You are not going anywhere until we find a way to get Karayan out of you."

"What's the point, there's no other way she's stuck in me probably until I die-" I get interrupted by Eric

"Actually you never age or die when it comes to human weapons only-" Eric stops as I look at him sternly

"Like that helps, Eric." I snap and I make my way to my room and slam the door and fall on my bed screaming on my pillow.

Book One: The Demon That Lives Inside Me Where stories live. Discover now