What happened to us?

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It was dark around the hut, no light anywhere. Is she too late? Did he already leave?
She decided to call Emre and ask where Can is.
“Sanem he said he would come to the house later and pick up his things. I guess he is there. I was on my way anyway, I can pick you up if you want?”
“Thank you Emre bey but I am already on my way. Thanks a lot.”
Sanem went into the taxi and she hoped and prayed that he would be there.

Sanem arrrived at the house and hoped that his mother wouldn't be there. She doesn't know why but she decided to go through the backyard and not ring the doorbell.
Full of  hope she approaches the garden and she couldn’t believe what she saw.

Polen and Can were sitting on the sofa in the garden, their backs turned towards where she was standing. Polen was sitting way too close to Can and Sanem didn’t like the picture she was seeing.
Her heart crushed into million pieces by the look of Polen and Can sitting together. She had probably heard about the fact that Can will accept her offer and came right away.
Sanem was sure she couldn’t wait to come straight to Can and try her luck.

She was just standing there, starring at them for more than 10 minutes. Listening to Polen flirt with Can and he didn’t even pushed her away or told her to go so he can have some time for himself to think.
Why isn’t he pushing her away? Why is he letting her flirt with him? Hundreds of questions are circling inside her head which didn’t make her think clear.

“Can I don’t know what you are going through but I am here for you. You just need to let me or someone else in. We are worried about you.”
Polen paused for a second and then continued. “To be honest I don’t know what is so special about that smell that put you in jail and you wanting to sell all you have for a simple girl?”

Sanem couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Of course she would come with the first possibility she had.
It made her sad and angry that Can was just sitting there and listening what this dumb bitch is saying about her. He seems to be in thoughts and not listening properly what Polen was saying.

Polen moved closer to Can and touched his face, making him come back from wherever his thoughts have taken him. She got closer and closer and was about to kiss him.

At this point Sneem made the hardest choice of her life. She knew what she had to do.

Completely in shock and with tears in her eyes, Sanem walks out of the garden. She didn't even notice Emre and Can’s trainer waving and talking to her as she goes through the door and closes it behind her.

On the other side of the house, Can snapped out of his daydream the second he realized Polen was about to kiss him.

“Polen what are you doing? You know me accepting the job offer has nothing to do with you, right? I just want to go and take some photos, get out of Turkey for a while. Nothing will happen between you and me, ever. I am sorry but you need to know this."

Emre noticed that something must have happened between Sanem and Can but when he sees Polen and Can sitting in the garden he gets even more confused.
Why is she here?

Can turns his head around as he feels uncomfortable being this close to her. In this second he is noticing Emre and his trainer just standing there as if they have question marks on their heads.

Wondering what has happened, Can stood up and asked the two men why they look like they have been seeing a ghost.

Emre and Umut are looking at each other not sure what to say but finally Emre tells Can that they saw Sanem going out the front door in tears in her eyes and completely in shock.

Can couldn’t believe that she came. “Sanem was here? When exactly did you see her? Did she say something to you? Emre speak, it’s important. We were not able to say goodbye properly.”

“Are you and Polen back together Can? No wonder she left seeing you with her this intimately.” Emre paused for a second, he was not sure if he should say what he was thinking but he thought fuck it, it might be not be too late.

“Can do you know how Polen knew that you were in Ağva?”

Can looked at Polen not knowing why Emre was asking these weird questions.

“No, Polen and I are not together by the way. She told me that mother told her, why?”.

“Polen don't you have anything to say about it?” She didn't know ecactly what Emre was applying so she kept quiet.

“Fine. I am sick of all these games. I overheard mother tell Polen yesterday that she should meet you at the hotel. She will find out which one it is and that she should convince you to take the offer. Her plan was all long to separate you from Sanem.
Polen I really liked you all these years and I thought you were a good person but I don't know why you keep hurting Sanem? What did she do to you?”

Can’s thoughts couldn’t control themselves any longer.
“You have been in contact with my mother to separate me from the love of my life? Who are you? Why are you playing these games? You know what I don't want to know. I broke up with you before I even started anything with Sanem. I cannot stand looking at you right now, you disgust me. You and my mother are dead to me. Emre where did Sanem go, where is she?”

Why didn’t Sanem say anything? He couldn’t believe that she actually came. She hurt him as no one did before but what he said to her must have broken her completely. Just the fact that she came by to talk and probably ask for his forgiveness again made him love her even more, but the fact that she saw him with Polen so close together made him anxious and disgusted by his own actions, or better said no actions.

He should have put Polen in her place, not letting her touch him and talk like this about Sanem. What was he thinking? He could only imagine what was going on in Sanems head.

If he would see Sanem with someone sitting this close, a man touching her and she not reacting, he would be furious. Just now he heard Emre shouting his name.

“Can I don’t know. We were talking at the front and all of a sudden Sanem came from the backyard, it seems she didn’t see us at all. We were calling for her but she didn’t react, all we could see was that she was crying. This is when we came here as we thought you two had a fight.”

Having the most awful thoughts in his mind, he took his phone and the keys and went after her. He didn't even looked at Polen once.

Can was trying to call Sanem over and over again but her phone was off.

“Ah Sanem. Why is this happening to us?”

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