Two days before the engagement
Everything was set and done for the big day. I silently hoped she didn't notice anything. Her parents and Leyla have been a big help keeping her occupied all this time. I mostly saw her in the agency and even there I had so many meetings to attend with potential customers that we barely had time for each other.
Today after work we went out to eat something and I told her that I had a nice evening planned for us in two days.
Sanem wouldn't be Sanem if she didn't try to figure out what we would be doing that day but the only thing I let her know was that we would be attending a musical in the evening and we would be going to dinner afterwards. I wouldn't let anything else slip through.
I liked this new side of her, a lot actually. Confident, trying to be independent and staying on her own two feet. I knew how important it is for an individual to develop yourself, with and without the help of others. I have been going through it myself and know just how much it helps you grow and find your own self.
Let's be honest. Everyone, your parents, you siblings, your friends...everyone knows one version of you. Your parents always have a different picture and expectations from you than your friends or siblings do. But only you yourself know exactly what you want to do with your life, you career and your relationships.
I will be here helping her wherever she needs me. Every step of the way. I love her just the way she is and she doesn't have to change a thing if it is up to me. Of course she should step up for herself and try to be able to control her life how she wants it. You might feel trapped sometimes, especially in our culture and I am even more glad that her parents are so understanding.
It isn't easy to stay away from her. You can feel the sexual tension miles away every time we are together. It is hard to keep myself in check particularly when it is only the two of us. That might be another reason why I planned to propose sooner than I thought. I didn't want to rush it and most importantly rush her, but this feels like the perfect timing. I couldn't be more sure of anything and I want us to be in this stage of our relationship when we take the next step forward. Whenever that might be, but I feel it is rather sooner than later. I respect her and her family so much that I don't want to do anything wrong. I got the blessing from the Aydin's and they were just as excited as I was.
Sanem POV
I still cannot believe that my parents agreed to let me live alone. Recently I finally moved into my first apartment. I was very excited and nervous. For the first time in my life I would be sleeping all alone. Not in my parent's home, but in my own.
I am happy that everyone gave me the space I needed for myself. No one was pushing me. Not even Can. He didn't even ask me if I want him to sleep over at my place the first night. He said he wanted me to have the whole experience for myself. The second night Leyla came over and I couldn't turn her down. I have been secretly praying that she might leave so that Can could come over and spend the night but I didn't had the luck on my side. I know I would be seeing him today but I have been missing him so much. All I can think about is how he made me feel in the furniture store and I know I want to repeat it soon again. I want to experience how he can make me feel. I was surprised at myself that I completely turned off my mind and didn't even think that someone could have found us making out like that. I know I am ready and I don't want to wait any longer. I am so inspired that I filled 20 new pages in only two days. This must have been a new record for me. I am lucky to have such an incredible muse.
"Heeej. Earth to Sanem."
"Haa? What?"
"What is that smile on your face? What are you thinking about it?" Leyla asked me.
"Oh nothing. I am just happy. Everything is exactly how it should be. Finally."
"I am so happy for you sis. I'm on my way to the agency now. Do you want to come with me?"
"Maybe later. I wanted to write some more."
"Tamam. Talk to you later abla."
"Wait I'll come down with you. I have to get my mail."
"Look at you all grown up and taking responsibility. You are like a changed person Sanem. It suits you well."
"You will experience it as well abla. Take care, I love you. Say hi to my boyfriend😊."
I went up again and made myself cay and went through my mail. My eyes were fixed on this one letter. Which I wasn't expecting but secretly hoping to receive. I quickly opened it and couldn't believe my eyes..."oh my gooooooooood" I started screaming and crying at the same time. I can't wait to tell Can tonight.
Later that evening
"How do I look mom?"
"Oh kizim. You look perfect. This dress suits you so much. You are stunning."
"Thank you Anne. Can has sent it over to me as a present for tonight. I'm really excited. He said we will see a musical and eat dinner afterwards. I do have a feeling he is hiding something but it might be all the stress from the work I have had lately."
"He has very good taste Sanem. And kizim, I am so happy you two found your way back. It will be a wonderful evening I'm sure of it. Hadi hurry, he will pick you up soon."
I finished getting ready just in time. I tried not to think about the feeling I had in my stomach all day long. You know the kind of feeling when something is about to happen? Not necessarily anything bad but you know something is coming and you cannot shake that feeling away. Can will be here any second and I am trying to push these feeling and thoughts aside. I might just be nervous telling him about the letter I received today. Well, we will find out tonight at dinner when I tell him.

Is our love strong enough?
RomantikHi Erkenci Kuş fandom! What happens when Can finds out that Sanem gave her perfume and the ingredients away? Will he be able to listen to her this time or will he go back to the way he was before? This is my first story, I hope you like it.