Part 1

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Warnings: Mentions of dementia, Mentions of cancer, OC death, violence, swearing? probably

 Your grandma was dying. She had been for the last couple of months. Her dementia was getting worse and it didn't take long after they diagnosed her before it became too much for you to look after her on your own. 

Your grandma had looked after you since you were 10, when your mother died of cancer. Your grandma could be quite eccentric, but you loved her to bits. She had been with you through thick and thin. So, the day they gave her the diagnosis your heart broke. They said it was quite aggressive, but you didn't want to believe it. It wasn't until you had a phone call from the police while you were in work at the library that she was wondering around in the streets confused that you knew and accepted what was really happening. 

You took time off work and quit your online classes to try looking after her full time. It worked until all the bills started piling up and your money started running low. You knew she had to go into care while you worked to pay the apartment bills and the medical bills. 

Every spare moment you had you spent with her and every time became harder than the last as it took longer and longer for her to recognise you. You got the phone call when you were working a night shift in the library. They said that it was time, that they thought she wouldn't make it through the night and your co-worker said they would be fine on their own. 

You rushed as fast as you could. When you got to her room, she was asleep. Her chest barely rising as her eyes fluttered in uneasy rest. You sat down in the chair next to her and took her hand. It was cold and thin as you gave it a squeeze to let her know you were there. 

Her eyes fluttered open and they landed on yours. For the first time since she was put into care you saw recognition spark in her eyes straight away. "Y/N, I'm glad you're here. I can feel it, its time. I didn't want to go without saying goodbye", you couldn't stop the tears from springing to your eyes as she carried on, "I also wanted to remind you of the gift you will inherit". You nodded your head trying to humour her, but you felt more tears threatening to spill knowing she wasn't really there if she was talking about the story she made up years ago. "I don't have time to explain it all, but you remember what I told you don't you? What we are? We're precious, soul readers are what they call us but we can be so much more". You couldn't keep humouring her as the tears finally spilled, hot rivers flowing down your cheeks. She saw in your face that you didn't believe her, and she heaved a weary breath, "you'll see buttercup, you'll see". And your throat closes as she calls you the nickname she used when you were young, her hand going limp in yours.

You cried by the side of the bed, head in your hands, for a good 5 minutes before anyone came in. Her doctor came in and it took you a while before you lifted your head to look at him. When you opened your eyes, you noticed two things that made you wipe at your eyes again and again trying to get rid of them. 

There were two lines. Both seemed to be leading from your chest and one went to the doctor's chest and the other out the door. The one leading to the doctor was pure white and though it was straight it felt quite loose since he was standing near you. The other line however was taunt and felt more intense. The major difference was that this was in colour. It was the colour of midnight blue, but the edges were fuzzy, like you couldn't see it properly. 

You vaguely heard the doctor talking to you but the rushing in your ears was getting louder as your heart started beating faster. You ignored the doctor as you shakily got up from your seat, you took big strides until you were at the door and looked out the room. You saw colourful lines everywhere, leading from one person to another. It was like a rainbow had thrown up over everyone. 

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