Part 3

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Warnings: Swearing I think, but that should be it

 It was getting late as you saw the sky start to darken out of the window. Bucky had taken you back to the living room before saying he was going to look for the others. You had been there about an hour watching the stars turning on one by one before anyone came to see you. 

You could hear voices a few minutes before you felt presences in the room. You didn't realise just how many people were coming until you got up and turned to look. It was all of them. All of the Avengers: Steve, Bucky, Natasha, Wanda, Sam, Vision, Tony, Bruce, and Clint. The only one missing was Thor. They were all looking at you and you had to stop yourself from wringing your hands in front of them all. It was safe to say that you were extremely intimidated. 

You thought you might have a panic attack until Steve spoke in a calming voice, "some of us had a, uh, proposition, but the people who hadn't met you yet wanted to see you before we made up our minds". 

You looked at them all slightly confused until Tony Stark started walking towards you, "Hi, call me Tony. I could see you struggling with what you were supposed to address me as, I have that kind of affect". He gives you a smug smile and you try to muster one up as he says, "come on, lighten up. Did someone die? We're not that scary". You noticed how Steve, Natasha, and Bucky tense up, with Bucky also clenching his fists. 

You focus back on Tony as you extend your hand to shake which he takes. His hand is warm and it matches his expression so you brush off the comment and say, "sorry, I'm just slightly overwhelmed to be meeting all such incredible people", you give him a smirk back and he turns to the others nodding his head, "I like her", was all he said as they all started to approach you. 

You weren't lying when you said you felt overwhelmed and you didn't seem to calm down until you felt an extremely warm presence stand next to you. You turn to see Bucky and he gives you an encouraging smile, it somehow makes you feel better as you take a breath and focus on them all and their questions. It was going well until Tony puts his foot in it again without realising, "so, Nat explained briefly your powers to an extent. But, when we were talking we realised you never actually got around to the specifics of why you were following Barnes?". 

You look at him wide eyed and swallowed hard. Everyone picked up on your nervousness and they all seemed to take a step back to look at you more intensely. You don't know where to look so you try to look nowhere in particular as you start, "When I first got the powers, I was in a room with only one person. I saw two lines of colour. Both leading from my chest and one leading to the other person and one leading out the door. I couldn't believe what was happening, so I left the room and saw other people and there was so much colour it was hard to focus, and I got a headache and I felt shaky. When I made it back to my apartment there was no one around but I still had this line leading from me and out the door. I ignored it for the first day. I learnt how to shut out the coloured lines but for some reason this one line, I couldn't shut out. Its constantly there, but it felt taunt, like the person on the other end was far away but one day it felt loose, so I decided to follow it and well I ended up following Bucky. The line goes to Bucky's chest...". You said the last sentence in a whisper, but you know everyone heard it as they look from you to Bucky and back to you. 

Steve speaks next, his voice is slightly strained, and you understood that he was protective of Bucky, "so what exactly does the line mean Y/N?". 

You look at the line and then at Bucky and then back to Steve before answering softly, "I don't know. I really don't. From the brief times I've seen the lines with people I have never seen this colour and the line is fuzzy and I can't seem to focus it. But Steve, if it makes you feel better I don't get a bad feeling from it". He gives you a sincere smile at your last comment and you see him visibly relax. 

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