Part 14

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Warnings: Violence, Injury, Blood, Death? Swearing


His whole body ached in this goddamn chair, and his arms were burning from straining against the metal, but he didn't care. He had to get out. He had to get to you before you were lost to him. He let out a frustrated roar and that's when a shadow was cast across the floor. He looked up to see Steve in the doorway and Bucky let go of a breath he didn't know he was holding. Steve rushed over, looking Bucky over as he says, "are you okay?".

Bucky nods his head while letting out a frustrated noise, "I'm fine Steve, just get me out of this fucking chair". He knew he was being harsh with Steve, but he couldn't think about that right now, he had to get to you. 

Steve took a step back, unclipped his shield and brought the edge down swift and hard against the metal restraints. The metal groaned as the impact vibrated up his arm, but it didn't come undone. Steve did it again and the same result happened. Steve was going too slow for his liking, "hurry up Steve, I have to get to Y/N", Steve looked at Bucky with a question but brought the shield down again. 

The restraint finally popped open and Steve said, "I'm trying not to hurt you Buck".

The process took too long, and panic was rising up in Bucky's chest at the thought of being too late to get to you. When he was finally free, he jumped up only stopped by Steve's hand on his shoulder, "Buck you need to go back to the jet, you're hurt", Bucky shook him off. 

This was wasting time that he didn't have, "I'm not going anywhere without Y/N", Steve studied his face for a moment knowing that he wasn't going to back down. They nodded at each other as the sounds of more agents boomed down the hallway. 

Steve started towards the door first, "I'll take care of these, go get your girl", without another word Steve stepped out of the room. Gunshots rang out along with grunts and fighting but Bucky blocked it out. He stepped out of the room and swiped a gun from an agent on the floor and took off sprinting the way Eric had taken you.

He ran until he saw a stairwell knowing that the only way to get out when the avengers were here would be to fly. He took the stairs two, three, sometimes four at a time, his legs screaming and protesting the exercise. He ignored it, he ignored the pain in his arm, the way his face throbbed and the sting of his wrists. The only pain he couldn't ignore was the tightness and ache in his chest at the thought of losing you.

The stairs seemed to go on forever, but he finally reached the door to the roof. He burst through the metal door to be greeted by the raging night sky. Wind whipped at his face as rain lashed against his body, but all he could focus on was the helicopter taking off from the helipad. 

He saw Eric in the back and he knew you were in there too. His heart seized, but he didn't hesitate. He put the gun in the waistband of his trousers and tore across the way quickly running out of ground. He didn't think about it as he leaped from the roof, arms outstretched. 

His hands grasped the landing skids tightly, his body causing the helicopter to dip to the side. His hands were slipping due to the rain, so he hooked his arms over the cold bars. Once he got a good grip he took a steadying breath before reaching his metal hand up and ripping the door away. Bucky had hoisted himself up about the same time it took Eric to realise what was happening and got his gun out. 

He was about to shoot when Bucky took a hold of his arm and pushed it away. The shot went wide, and Bucky didn't think about it until the helicopter started to lose control. During his struggle with Eric he saw the pilot slumped down in his seat, unmoving, and he cursed. He saw sparks flying out of the controls and he knew he had to get you out of here now.

Bucky gained the upper hand, wrapping his left hand around Eric's throat. He stared into his eyes as they filled with panic and he stared until his eyes rolled back into his skull. He would have kept going but he saw you starting to stir in one of the seats and he jolted back to reality. Alarms were going off in the helicopter as we were starting to tail spin. He dropped Eric to the floor and stepped over him to reach you. You looked like a ghost sitting against the black of the chair and he had to swallow past the lump in his throat at the sight of you looking so hurt.

You mumbled his name as you cracked your eyes open and he nearly wept with relief. He unbuckled your seatbelt as he looked out the window and saw a body of water. He thanked the gods that luck was on his side today. He scooped you up as gently as he could and mumbled apologies when you whimpered. 

He stood up and kissed your forehead before turning around and then it felt like his chest got hit with a bat. He stumbled backwards until he slumped in the chair you had just vacated. You were sitting in his lap, eyes wide with fear and panic as your arms flew up to his chest. He felt dazed, he didn't know what was happening as he looked down and saw blood oozing between your fingers. He looked up with confusion until he saw Eric stand, smoke billowing out of the gun he just fired. A gun he was aiming at his head. Bucky wanted to scream for failing you as Eric shouted over the wind, "see you in hell Sergeant".

Bucky never thought he would be afraid to die. If this was a year ago he wouldn't be afraid to die. But in this moment, he was. He was afraid of leaving you behind, he was afraid of facing the unknown without you, he was afraid that he really would be going to hell. And he was terrified to lose the future he had just started dreaming about with you. 

He didn't want to die, but he was tired. The life literally draining away in your hands. As Bucky stared down the barrel of that gun he knew his ticket was up. He saw a flash of white and then he closed his eyes. He waited for the bullet that never came as he thought the flash was from the gun, but when he opened his eyes Eric was crumpled on the floor along with you. Only then did he realise that you had slipped from his lap to the floor, looking small and unmoving. His chest burned with his sudden movement towards you, panic threatening to overtake him for the countless time that night.

The helicopter was spinning out of control as Bucky felt the faintest pulse in your neck. He found a strength he thought he had lost and managed to pick you up. He stumbled to the opening of the helicopter and tipped forward. Wind whipped past him as he held onto you as tightly as he could, twisting his body so that he would take the impact of the water. When it came the air was knocked out of him as the water enveloped him. Darkness was all around him as he sunk further and further into the abyss.

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