Part 13

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Warnings: There is a lot of torture in this one so don't read if that makes you uncomfortable and there is a death of a minor character that is a little graphic also there is swearing

 You're not sure how long you've been out, but your muscles protest as you shift your body. You open your eyes to a harsh white room with bright lights and you start to become aware of different things at a time. 

You notice that you're sitting down and that you can't move your arms or legs very much. As you look down you see that you're tied to a metal chair. Leather straps keep you locked in pretty tight around your wrists and ankles. In your left hand you see a needle stuck in a vein and you follow the lead up to a drip. 

You look around the rest of the room and freeze, convinced that your brain is playing tricks on you. A few feet in front of you is another chair, but the metal looks different, shinier, and stronger. And in that chair sits Bucky. You feel your heart squeeze at the sight of him, he's looking at you with concerned eyes as you take in his form. He has a split lip and a small gash on his forehead, but from what you can tell there's nothing else. He's restrained with metal clamps and you assume it must be too strong for him to break free, or he would have done it by now.

Your head is still slightly fuzzy, but you manage to mumble out, "Bucky? What are you doing here?". 

He chuckles lightly as he says, "does it matter? I just want to know that you're okay?". 

You give him a weak smile as you say, "head's a bit fuzzy and my body aches, oh and I'm strapped into a chair at the mercy of Hydra, but other than that I'm pretty swell Buck, you?". 

You both start laughing despite the situation, but Bucky quickly sobers up as he says, "I can hear someone coming. Y/N, doll, no matter what happens don't give them what they want okay? We'll get through this, matter what they do, don't give in". You blink tears back as the door swings open to reveal the man you spoke to at the bar. You wanted to throw up. This is not how it was supposed to go.

"I'm glad to see you're finally awake Y/N. Allow me to properly introduce myself, I'm Eric Davey, but to you I might as well be Lucifer", he gives you a smile that makes you blanch and you have to fight the urge to close your eyes. 

You study him again and then it hits you as you breathe, "I've seen you before..."

He chuckles as he walks over to you slowly, "I thought you'd never figure it out. You're not very observant, are you? I've been watching you for a while, but you first saw me in the coffee shop, I was the guy whose table you bumped into. You may have noticed me at the cemetery after your Grandmother's funeral. My condolences by the way". 

You want to punch him in the face at his last words as he says them with another disgusting smile. "I was trying to figure the best way to capture you, but it never seemed like the right time. My bosses were growing impatient, so I leaked some 'intel' to you about Hydra meeting at the gala". You felt sick to your stomach. All those people he's killed just to get to you. 

You glance at Bucky and you see his eyes practically telling you that it wasn't your fault. Eric carried on, oblivious to the exchange, "but enough about all that, it doesn't matter. You're here now and we want you to join us". 

You scoff at him and start laughing in his face until he back hands you. Your head snaps to the side as it causes your vision to swim more than it already was. You hear Bucky emit a growl as he says low and threatening, "don't you fucking touch her".

Eric back hands you again, and you taste blood in your mouth as the sting spreads across your cheek. He looks back at Bucky, "and what are you gonna do?", you can't see Eric's face, but you can hear the smirk in his voice. 

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