Part 8

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Warnings: Swearing, Violence and death


A couple of hours later you hear a knock on the door and hushed voices. You slink out of bed and open the door to two super soldiers standing in the doorway looking rather serious. You raise an eyebrow at the pair of them and lean against the doorframe. Steve remains stern looking and uses his Captain voice, "Bucky told me about what happened earlier. That's twice now Y/N, you need to get checked out down med bay", you look them both over and see how serious they are, so you don't argue. 

They both start to follow you down the hall and you say over your shoulder, "I can go by myself, I'll be fine". They don't reply back as they keep on following you. Bruce does some scans on your head and one on the rest of your body. You were nervous to hear what was going to come back, but when Bruce came out with results an hour later you just became even more confused. 

"So, according to these scans you're perfectly fit and healthy Y/N".

Bruce gives you a small smile and you're at a loss for words, but Steve isn't, "but how come she's had these head pains?". It goes back and forth like that for a while, Bruce not having any answers and Steve and Bucky demanding some.

You turn to the pair of them with what you hoped was a convincing brave face, "lets leave Bruce alone now yeah? I'm fine, I told you both that. Its just some weird shit, no big deal". Neither of them seemed satisfied, but they left Bruce alone at least. 

They walked you all the way back to your room and though it was sweet that they worried you weren't in the best of moods. But as you turn around to face them outside your door you see that Bucky is standing there alone and looking sheepish. You both stare at each other for a few minutes, neither of you not knowing what to say or having too much to say. 

Bucky goes first, not meeting your eyes, "are you mad at me Y/N?". 

You're not surprised by the question itself, but perhaps that he plucked up the courage to ask you. You couldn't play it cool though as you answered too quickly for your 'no' to be true. Bucky gives you a pained expression as he carries on, "I'm not entirely sure what I've done...but doll, I can't stand you being mad at me", he still hasn't really met your eyes and you find yourself sighing. 

You can feel a blush creeping up your neck as you say, "Bucky, you haven't done anything okay? It's just me...its complicated and I can't really explain fully in a way that would make any sense". 

Bucky looks hopeful that you're even talking to him properly and this time he does meet your eyes, "well explain the bits that you can", you search his eyes. 

You're not sure what you're looking for, perhaps you're hoping to find some feeling that he feels even a fraction of your bond, but you come back empty handed. You shake your head, "its nothing Bucky, I guess I was just surprised when I saw you and that woman together last night that's all". 

Bucky looked slightly shocked, but he recovered quite quickly as he speaks again, "I only went out last night because Sam needed someone to be his wingman and he had no one else to ask. I regretted it the moment I left and nothing happened between me and Emily. She passed out, not that I would have done anything if she hadn't. Quite frankly she was annoying", you snorted at that and gave a smile which Bucky returned before asking tentatively, "can I ask why you were surprised?". 

You had trouble meeting his gaze this time, you didn't want to make your feelings completely obvious to the extent of how much you love him. It hits you like a boulder then, that you love him. It would seem so irrational to an outside person, that you love someone in that way and you're not even dating and you haven't even kissed, but this wasn't an ordinary thing. This wasn't a fling, this wasn't a normal relationship, this was soulmates, a thing for life. You loved this man and you were terrified that he'd never know, that he would never figure it out. 

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