Part 5

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Warnings: Swearing probably, not entirely sure what else sorry folks

 You wake up with a jolt, your chest heavy and sweat starting to bead on your forehead. You felt a tugging on your chest and you looked down with wide eyes as you saw the midnight line shaking slightly. You rubbed the sleep from your eyes as you looked at the time, 2:36am. You frown as the line started shaking more and the tugging on your chest started making it harder to breathe. 

You got out of bed and followed the line, further and further it took you down the hall. You didn't think anyone was this far down, that was until you heard muffled screaming. Your hands immediately became slick and your heart was shaking in time to the midnight line. It led to a door that was slightly ajar and the screams became louder. 

When you stood outside the door you saw through the crack Steve trying to restrain Bucky's flailing arms, "Buck. Bucky wake up, you're not there anymore, I'm here". 

The tugging became more intense in your chest as you found yourself pushing the door open and Steve whipped around in surprise, "Y/N, what are you doing here?". You ignore him as you move closer to Bucky's flailing body. 

Steve turns back to Bucky, trying to hold him down and soothe him with words but it doesn't seem to work and the tugging in your chest starts to tighten. You act on an instinct inside yourself when you close your eyes and picture yourself inside your soul again. The only colour shining brightly is the midnight blue, shaking violently. You reach a shaking hand out towards it and touch the line. It stops shaking as you feel a wave of intense pain and sadness wash over you. 

When you open your eyes you're on your knees, body shaking as Steve looks panicked, looking from you to a very still Bucky. You gasp loudly as if you were holding your breath under water. You feel a tear slide down your face as you clutch your chest. You feel your chest becoming lighter and the room coming back into focus as you see Steve kneeling down in front of you, a look of concern that seems permanently etched onto his face tonight. 

You vaguely hear him asking if you're okay and you nod your head as Bucky murmurs Steve's name. Steve helps you up and then goes over to Bucky who has his eyes open but looks out of it. Steve finally gets Bucky to focus and that's when he spots you standing in the room, one hand still on your chest. His voice sounds harsh when he says, "what are you doing in here?". 

You would feel hurt by his words if the room wasn't spinning. Your head is pounding, and your vision goes blurry as you reach out to steady yourself but find nothing. Just when you think you'll be meeting the floor for the second time that night you feel an arm slide around your waist. The last thing you see before darkness rises up to meet you is the blue fire of Bucky's eyes.

You're standing on a beach. The waves are crashing on the shore as the sun beats down, making the water glint. You feel calm as you breathe in the salty air and feel the wind blow your hair lightly. 

Your eyes snap open when you hear the voice of your Grandma, "about goddamn time that you answered my call". You look around until you spot your grandma looking healthy as ever but seems translucent with a halo of white around the edges. 

You look down at yourself and see that you look solid, so many questions came to mind but your grandma beat you to it, "now you listen here missy, we don't have much time so I'm going to say what I came here to say and then I'll be on my way. You're fighting it. You're fighting your gift and its making everything more difficult. I know you didn't believe me when I told you the stories, but you need to start believing me now. Unblock your soul Buttercup, let the power in. I know you're scared and you feel alone but the harder you resist the more pain you'll be in". 

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